• Hello Jason

    I stumbled into this wonderful plugin today through another plugin and i tried it. Though it works fine for me without error, my problem is that i set the post image to 200×200 but it gives 200×129

    I resized the bulk to see and it all showed the same thing. Please kindly assist with this if it is an error


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  • it resizes to scale, so if you set max 200 x 200 then it will be maximum of that size – Imsanity won’t crop the images to be a square.

    Thread Starter naijacenter


    Thank you for responding Jason, but if you publish, it will only be taken by socialo media like facebook if it is set to 200×200 but when iset the post image to that, it comes out as 200×129. i was expecting the pixel as set on the settings.

    Please tell me what to do with this..

    Imsanity isn’t really designed to provide social media graphics, it’s just designed to reduce the size of really large images.

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