• michaeltang


    I have a problem with my installation…
    I already Create my database….
    and create the config.inc.php too…
    but when I want to install my wordpress….
    the error apear…..

    WordPress database error Table ‘robertrev_wordpress.wp_options’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = ‘siteurl’

    that is not the only error that apear..
    please see in my url :

    does anyone can help me with that problem?

    Thanks before,

    Best Regards,
    Michael Tang

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  • blueyez


    did you create the config.inc.php manualy ?

    Jeremy Clark


    There is no config.inc.php file it is called wp-config.php. There is a sample file in the root of the wordpress installation directory for reference.

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