• With the Page and Membership Plugin activated (current version 1.5.15) with HTTPS on site and members forced to login, we get the wp-admin screen to login. Enter a valid login and password and press the Login button and you are left on the wp-admin screen rather than being redirected to the Home Page. The workaround has been that we discovered that you can get into the site at the point by clicking on the “back to <website name.” link at the bottom of the wp-admin page as long as you’ve used valid login credentials. One other factor – it seems to be related to being already authenticated/logged-in – i.e. the Plug-in forces the user to the Login Screen, but then seems to not re-direct properly when the ID and password are entered because the user was previously authenticated_.

    I’ve validated that it is related to Page and Membership plugin – If I deactivate the plugin and go to the same wp-admin page it works as expected, but, when I reactivate the Page and Membership 1.5.15, the redirection is not occurring after login (at least for HTTPS sites).

    We have observed this on WordPress 4.11, 4.12 and 4.2.1 and the issue is the same…


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