• Hi , I have a website which is in French but the plugin on the admin area is still in English.
    I’ve check you have the language folder with the file .pot
    I’ve try to change for example and save but it still not change for me.

    #: post-expirator.php:156
    msgid “Year”
    msgstr “Annee”

    Sorry I’m very new to this and just been google of how to do the translation
    I’ve also try Poedit to save the file to .mo and .po and change file name to post-expirator-fr_FR.po
    and still not work.
    Now I really don’t know what to do.

    Please give me some guide.

    Thank you.

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  • Thread Starter solembeem


    I’ve found the solution ,
    So open the post-expiration.pot in Poedit and modified the translations and then export to .mo with the file name of post-expirator-fr_FR.mo



    I am having issues with the language too. I created the .mo files and the translations show correctly on the back office. But my issue is with the footer on the posts. I enabled to show footer with this text:

    on the preview on the back office I see the date format correctly:
    EXPIRATIONDATE -> Domingo marzo 12, 2017

    but on the frontend it shows like this:
    El post caduca a las 7:42pm el Friday May 19, 2017

    See? The date is showing in english, not in spanish as it shows in the admin. Why=

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