Problem with images and text
Until yesterday everything was ok, then I downgraded WP to 3.9.9 because the 4.4 was giving me some problem with my gallery.
After the downgrade Collapse’O matic stopped working properly.On my galleries the images that worked as a title are not dispalyed, all the galleries are open and instead of the images there is a code like this:
<”div” class=”collapseomatic ”noarrow”” id=”id4200″ rel=””web”” tabindex=”” title=””>Here the links to the pages with the same problem: below the code I used for years without problems
[expand title="<img src='' />" tag="div" trigclass="noarrow" rel="2015"][nggallery id=121][/expand] [expand title="<img src='' />" tag="div" trigclass="noarrow" rel="2014"][nggallery id=95][/expand] [expand title="<img src='' />" tag="div" trigclass="noarrow" rel="2013"][nggallery id=88][/expand] [expand title="<img src='' />" tag="div" trigclass="noarrow" rel="2012"][nggallery id=40][/expand] [expand title="<img src='' />" tag="div" trigclass="noarrow" rel="prima"][nggallery id=20][/expand]
Another problem with text at this link: title is not diplayed correctly and it’s surrounded by too many quotation marks that shouldn’t be there.
Below part of that code<div>[expand title="COS'è IL TATUAGGIO" startwrap="<strong>" endwrap="</strong>" rel="cose"] Il tatuaggio è considerato un intervento chirurgico di piccola entità e consiste nell’introduzione nella cute di pigmenti di varia natura. Per rimuoverlo è necessario ricorrere ad interventi chirurgici. Si può essere o diventare allergici ai pigmenti o ai metalli. [/expand]</div>
Everything worked perfectly for years so I’m pretty sure something has to do with the downgrade but this is the only thing that’s not working properly and I really don’t know what’s wrong.
Thanks for your assistance
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