• Resolved tunixtunix


    I’m using your plugin to manage short stories. I have over 80 stories and want to have a max of 5 online at the same moment. So I scheduled all stories (and let them repeat) so you can read every week 5 of them.

    The URL to my stories is https://example.com/stuff/stories

    Going to this site will highlight “stuff” in the main-menu ans “stories” in the submenu (sidebar). Everything alright so far.

    Now, on my stories page I have the list of the 5 stories. By clicking on one of them, I get redirectet to: https://example.com/events/event/the-title-of-my-story1

    I changed the single-event.php to fullfill my needs and everythinf looks nice. BUT both highlights (in main menu and submenu) are gone. I think this is because WP doesn’t “know”, that I’m still in the same hierarchy – just one step deeper.

    I really have no clue how to change that? I thought maybe it’s because of the URL and changing it from “events/event” to “stuff/stories” will make any difference – but somehow I doubt it ??

    Okay, I hope you got my point. Andy ideas how to fix that?



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  • Stephen Harris


    Hi Tunix,

    Yes you’re pretty much right – in fact, as far as WordPress is concerned, there is no hierarchical relationship at all between your page /stuff/stores and the event page. Changing the permalink structure won’t help here either – and may just cause 404s due to conflicts.

    If you add the events ‘the-title-of-my-story1’ page (in Appearance > Menu) so that its underneath ‘stories’, then it should be reflected in the highlighting.

    Of course you presumably don’t want links to all the event pages underneath /stuff/stories (as only 5 are live at any one time). So you will need to problematically hide those links from the menu when you don’t want them appearing.

    Stephen Harris


    … or if your menu is only 2 deep, the links will never show – but I still think the highlight would be correct…

    Thread Starter tunixtunix


    Hi Stephen, sounds great but sadly doesn’t work for me :-/

    Here is my link: kinderbuero.doppeldecker.info/bibelpiloten/kurzgeschichten/

    It is a german site. You can see “Kurzgeschichten” which means “short stories” highlighted on the right. I put one of my stories (“Das unheimliche Haus”) to the menu. (I would hide it later) but if you click on that story, the highlight is gone :/

    Is this a theme issue?

    Thread Starter tunixtunix


    Is it possible to edit the single_event template in some way to let WP “think” it’s still on the story-site?
    (I have exactly the same problem with another custom_post_type I made by myself)


    Thread Starter tunixtunix


    I got it to run. Well, a friend of mine showed me a pretty simple trick.

    .postid-1815 #menu-item-89 {
    background: url(img/menu_kb_over.png) no-repeat !important;

    Every page has its own ID in the body so you can target that in your style.css. And it works fine ??

    Thread Starter tunixtunix


    Hi again,
    obviously I don’t want to add that for EVERY event, so I changed the above to

    .single-event #menu-item-88 { .. }

    which still works fine for all events.

    BUT I have another category in my events and these events have nothing to do with the short stories – so I do NOT want to highlight “stories” in my submenu.

    Question: is it possible, to add another class to the body tag of each page? Right now you add “single single-event” right? How would I add the categorie name as a class to the body, so I can distinguish between them in my style.css?

    I think WordPress automatically adds single single-event via body_class() – so it will depend on the theme you are using.

    If I’m right, add the following to your theme’s functions.php:

    add_filter( 'body_class', 'tunix_add_class_to_event_body');
    function tunix_add_class_to_event_body($classes){
         if( !is_singular('event') )
            return $classes;
         //Add category classes
         $cats= get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), 'event-category');
         if( $cats ){
              foreach ($cats as $cat)
                   $classes[] = esc_attr('eo-event-cat-'.$cat->slug);
         return $classes;

    I may incorporate this into 1.7 – seems useful. In fact I’ve made this gist which does adds class depending on the venue, whether the event is future, or past etc. I could add more classes depending on its recurrence.

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