try this 100% work
create child theme
in your /wp-content/themes/
and create 2 file
copy and paste this code
Theme Name: interface Child Theme
Author: Self-Help WordPress User
Template: interface
@import url(“../interface/style.css”);
copy and paste this code
// Remove old copyright text
add_action( ‘init’ , ‘mh_remove_copy’ , 15 );
function mh_remove_copy() {
remove_action( ‘interface_footer’, ‘interface_footer_info’, 30 );
// Add my own copyright text
add_action( ‘interface_footer’ , ‘mh_footer_info’ , 30 );
function mh_footer_info() {
$output = ‘<div class=”copyright”>’.’Copyright ? [the-year] [site-link] | Powered by: your text here ‘.'</div><!– .copyright –>’;
echo do_shortcode( $output );
now log in your wordpress Dashboard go..> APPEARANCE -> THEMES AND ACTIVE INTERFACE CHILD THEME.
IF have any questions ask me.