• hi… have problem with my main menu. the social wont able go to the right

    #menu .nav li.mega-social-icon {float:right;
    display: block !important;

    <nav id=”main-menu”>
    <div id=”mega-menu-wrap-primary-menu-53″ class=”mega-menu-wrap”><input type=”checkbox” id=”mega-menu-toggle-primary-menu-53″ class=”mega-menu-toggle”>
    <label for=”mega-menu-toggle-primary-menu-53″></label><ul id=”mega-menu-primary-menu-53″ class=”mega-menu mega-menu-horizontal mega-no-js” data-event=”hover” data-effect=”disabled”><li class=’mega-menu-item mega-menu-item-type-custom mega-menu-item-object-custom mega-current-menu-item mega-current_page_item mega-menu-item-home mega-align-bottom-left mega-menu-flyout mega-menu-item-929′ id=’mega-menu-item-929′>Home
    <li class=’mega-menu-item mega-menu-item-type-post_type mega-menu-item-object-page mega-align-bottom-left mega-menu-flyout mega-menu-item-930′ id=’mega-menu-item-930′>Who I Am
    <li class=’mega-menu-item mega-menu-item-type-custom mega-menu-item-object-custom mega-social-icon mega-envelope mega-align-bottom-left mega-menu-flyout mega-menu-item-928′ id=’mega-menu-item-928′><i class=’icon-2x icon-envelope ‘></i><span class=’fa-hidden’>Email</span>
    <li class=’mega-menu-item mega-menu-item-type-custom mega-menu-item-object-custom mega-social-icon mega-twitter mega-align-bottom-left mega-menu-flyout mega-menu-item-926′ id=’mega-menu-item-926′><i class=’icon-2x icon-twitter ‘></i><span class=’fa-hidden’>Twitter</span>
    <li class=’mega-menu-item mega-menu-item-type-custom mega-menu-item-object-custom mega-social-icon mega-facebook mega-align-bottom-right mega-menu-megamenu mega-menu-item-925′ id=’mega-menu-item-925′><i class=’icon-2x icon-facebook ‘></i><span class=’fa-hidden’>Facebook</span>

    thank you


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  • Thread Starter lazyyan


    hi.. nerver mind. i have already resolve it

    thank you

    I am having the same problem. I followed the directions on the video using Simple Custom CSS but I can’t get the icons to float right. They did change sizes when I followed the code for that, so I know it’s working somewhat.

    Also, I am not a coder so I can’t really follow code speak.

    this is the site: https://www.play2sign.com/. The theme is Coraline.

    Here is the custom code:

    li.social-icon {
    li.social-icon i {

    I tried it both with and without a semicolon after float:right.

    Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    I have the same problem like elisabeth.

    what can we do ??

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