• Hi and thanks a lot for this useful plugin !

    I have a problem with Easy Responsive Tabs, only in a certain context.
    I use it within EventOn plugin (https://codecanyon.net/item/eventon-wordpress-event-calendar-plugin/1211017).

    You can see a working example on this page (test version of the website) : https://preprod.zone51.net/agenda/

    If you click an event presented in a slide (for example “May 1, Modèle Concert+festival” or “June 28, Square en Zic”) everything is ok and the pills for each group do the job : tabs are showing.

    BUT, if you open an event that opens in a lightbox-like popup (like “June 13, Dropkicks Murphys + The Moorings”), tabs are not active. Pills are shown and clickable but tabs are not showing.

    I tryed but can’t find a cause and a resolution for this, none error is throwed… Maybe is it due to the lighbox context but every css and js seems to be reloaded in the lighbox and then all should work ??

    Could you help me with this ?
    Thanks !


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