• First, I really like your plugin but I have been struggling with a problem.

    I have some pages that have content_block shortcode inserted into page.
    On the SSB Settings page under SSB content, I have the post and page post types checked and have content_block unchecked however, one these pages there are duplicate social sharing buttons. I assume that the plugin is not getting the excluded content_block setting and that is why we are getting 2 rows of the sharing buttons on these pages. See example at bottom of this page:

    I really need this fixed and would be willing to pay for support.

    Also, on your SSB Settings SSB Options page there are many spelling errors
    sahre rather than share
    Fcaebook rather than Facebook
    Pluse rather than Plus
    Pineterst rather than Pinterest


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  • Hi,
    Apologize for late reply.

    Great thanks for your spelling check.

    if you please check your theme contain two time “the_content” query or something like this.

    Thread Starter Kathy_Goss


    Hi wpkids, for some reason, I am not getting the notification by email of responses on www.remarpro.com.

    Where in the theme would I check?

    Just to clarify, the posts have a single bar and “standard” pages have a single bar. I only have a problem on pages where I have embedded a shortcode for a content block within a page.

    In the Settings under SSB Content, the only post types that are checked are post and page. There is a check box for content_block in the list but it is unchecked.

    This is what it looks like on the page that has the content-block shortcode:


    I’d really appreciate if you could help me solve this.

    Thread Starter Kathy_Goss


    Hi wpkids, this problem is still not resolved.
    I have checked and we do not have the content query 2 times.

    I went to the content_block plugin developer and he has suggested that you take a look at the following article that deals with this issue:

    Again, you can see the problem here:

    I hope that you can solve the problem with this info.

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