Hey @elbsegler
Not sure what could be done. It’s possible WP Fastest Cache plugin is resetting the headers.
Over the years I have found that most caching plugins cause more harm then they do any good, so I stopped using and recommending them years ago. Most of them hog the PHP services on the server to do their processing… I’d rather have those services available to serve the site up to more visitors then worry about caching.
I do utilize CloudFlare though… that combined with Redis/MemCached, nGinx Microcaching, PHP OPCache, and setting proper browser caching headers work better then any caching plugin could. (well… proper theme development as well, but that’s a different beast entirely)
I can’t guarantee that I will or can fix it, but I’ll dig into the free version of that plugins code to see if I can figure out what’s going on, and where it’s going on.
Couple things off the bat you can do to help your site cache a bit better in the browsers… look into getting rid of those ver= querystrings on you static resources… also… take a look at your hosting provider’s logs… there may be some PHP errors happening that you aren’t aware of… your server timing here is far too long… even if you are across the globe from me.