I’ve try to remove the birthday field and re-adding, but don’t change it.
The date format I’m using is DD/MM; I’ve tried to invert in MM/DD in Mailchimp but nothing.
Unfortunately I can’t post a public link. Can I send you in a private mode?
I don’t know, but it’s not more easy replacing the date-picker with two distinct fields (day and month)?
Like Mailchimp Embedded forms:
<div class="mc-field-group size1of2">
<label for="mce-BDAY-month">Birthday </label>
<div class="datefield">
<span class="subfield dayfield"><input class="datepart " type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" value="" placeholder="DD" size="2" maxlength="2" name="BDAY[day]" id="mce-BDAY-day"></span> /
<span class="subfield monthfield"><input class="datepart " type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" value="" placeholder="MM" size="2" maxlength="2" name="BDAY[month]" id="mce-BDAY-month"></span>
<span class="small-meta nowrap">( dd / mm )</span>
Many thanks,