• Hi! We are using Backupbuddy since over a year to backup and migrate sites. Never got any issue with this plugin. Few weeks ago, we heard about Better WP Security and we have decided to install it with our sites. Since then, we are no longer able tu use our backups. Here is the error message :
    Warning: Unable to write to file .htaccess.bb_temp. Verify this file has proper write permissions. You may receive 404 Not Found errors on your site if this is not corrected. To fix after migration completes: Log in to your WordPress admin and select Settings:: Permalinks from the left menu then save.

    We tried to desactivate the plugin, and WP total cache, then do the backup, and we aren’t able to use te backup to migrate site or reopen on a dev to get a part of file backup.

    Can you help us please!!!! We are no longer to use backupbuddy and we have installed your plugin on ALL our customer’s sites.



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