• Resolved Abigailm


    Just upgraded to version 3.0.6 but the “More Settings” page still shows a version 3.0.5 and doesn’t have promised Development Mode toggle. I have verified via SFTP that new plugin files have been installed.

    And of course I cleared both Cloudflare & local caches.

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Thread Starter Abigailm


    Also there’s a display problem on analytics page – the graphs show with this text at the top:

    225.8 MB
    70.7 MB
    Thread Starter Abigailm


    I was able to install the 3.0.6 without a problem on a new site without a problem – so I tried deleting the plugin and reinstalling on the site reported in this topic.

    Unfortunately that did not solve the problem — so I am guessing that there are entries to the database from the previous version that are not being overwritten with the upgrade. In any case, for now it the problems continue.

    Unfortunately that did not solve the problem — so I am guessing that there are entries to the database from the previous version that are not being overwritten with the upgrade. In any case, for now it the problems continue.

    This is not the case since plugin clears every database changes it has made when deactivating.

    To help us figure out if the problem;

    Could you post your PHP error logs?
    Could you post browser console logs?


    as reported in an earlier, unreplied-to thread, i have upgraded from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6, but i am apparently still running 3.0.5 code.

    tons of stuff you guys are logging into the console that shouldn’t be pasted into a public forum.

    here’s the only PHP error i get on a refresh of the CF plugin settings page:

    Warning: Invalid operand type was used: array_key_exists expects an array or an object; false returned. in /var/www/blablabla.com/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/cloudflare/vendor/cloudflare/cloudflare-plugin-backend/src/Integration/DefaultConfig.php on line 25

    here’s some of the console logs with a bit of cleaning done:

    [Log] JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 (load-scripts.php, line 9)
    [Error] You are currently using minified code outside of NODE_ENV === 'production'. This means that you are running a slower development build of Redux. You can use loose-envify (https://github.com/zertosh/loose-envify) for browserify or DefinePlugin for webpack (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30030031) to ensure you have the correct code for your production build.
      r (compiled.js:30:11151)
      (anonymous function) (compiled.js:30:10353)
      (anonymous function) (compiled.js:30:10858)
      o (compiled.js:1:284)
      (anonymous function) (compiled.js:1:332)
      (anonymous function) (compiled.js:22:851)
      o (compiled.js:1:284)
      (anonymous function) (compiled.js:1:332)
      (anonymous function) (compiled.js:21:31192)
      (anonymous function) (compiled.js:21:31480)
      o (compiled.js:1:284)
      (anonymous function) (compiled.js:1:332)
      (anonymous function) (compiled.js:21:31880)
      o (compiled.js:1:284)
      (anonymous function) (compiled.js:1:332)
      (anonymous function) (compiled.js:35:6327)
      o (compiled.js:1:284)
      e (compiled.js:1:448)
      (anonymous function) (compiled.js:1:464)
      Global Code (compiled.js:36:3201)
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.177 CONFIG_FETCH  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: {config: {}, isFetching: false}, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: {config: {}, isFetching: false}, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "CONFIG_FETCH"}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: {config: {}, isFetching: true}, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: {config: {}, isFetching: true}, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.240 CONFIG_FETCH_SUCCESS  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: {config: {}, isFetching: true}, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: {config: {}, isFetching: true}, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "CONFIG_FETCH_SUCCESS", config: Object}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {type: "CONFIG_FETCH_SUCCESS", config: Object}Object
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.242 CONFIG_UPDATE_BY_KEY  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "CONFIG_UPDATE_BY_KEY", key: "absoluteUrlBase", value: "https://test.blablabla.com/wp-content/plugins/cloudflare/"}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.244 INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: false}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS"}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.246 USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: false, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS", email: "[email protected]"}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.247 ZONES_FETCH  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "ZONES_FETCH"}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.249 @@router/TRANSITION  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "@@router/TRANSITION", payload: {method: "push", arg: "/home"}}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.251 @@router/UPDATE_LOCATION  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "@@router/UPDATE_LOCATION", payload: Object}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {type: "@@router/UPDATE_LOCATION", payload: Object}Object
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.282 INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS_SUCCESS  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: {locale: "", translations: {}, isFetching: true}, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS_SUCCESS", locale: "en", translations: Object}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {type: "INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS_SUCCESS", locale: "en", translations: Object}Object
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.285 APPLICATION_INIT  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: false}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "APPLICATION_INIT"}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.634 ZONES_FETCH_SUCCESS  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "ZONES_FETCH_SUCCESS", zoneList: Array}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {type: "ZONES_FETCH_SUCCESS", zoneList: Array}Object
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.650 ZONE_SET_ACTIVE_ZONE  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "", name: ""}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "ZONE_SET_ACTIVE_ZONE", zone: Object}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {type: "ZONE_SET_ACTIVE_ZONE", zone: Object}Object
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.662 DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST"}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.664 NOTIFICATION_ADD  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "NOTIFICATION_ADD", level: "warning", message: "warning.usingSubdomain", …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {type: "NOTIFICATION_ADD", level: "warning", message: "warning.usingSubdomain", localized: true, persistant: true, …}Object
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.684 ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL"}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.693 PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH"}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.703 ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS"}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:44.711 ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS"}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:45.033 PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_SUCCESS  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", setting: Array}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {type: "PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", setting: Array}Object
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "id" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "type" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "content" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "proxiable" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "proxied" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "modified_on" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "created_on" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "id" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "type" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "content" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    "v=spf1 a mx include:_spf.postaffiliatepro.com include:sparkpostmail.com ~all"
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "proxiable" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "proxied" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "modified_on" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "created_on" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    [Warning] When merging two XXXXXX, found unequal data in their "meta" values. Using the earlier value. (2) (compiled.js, line 8)
    {auto_added: true}
    {auto_added: false}
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:45.145 DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", dnsRecords: Array}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {type: "DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", dnsRecords: Array}Object
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:45.274 ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL_SUCCESS  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", zoneRailguns: []}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Warning] Only a single Gateway can be rendered at a time into a GatewayDest.You rendered multiple into "modal" (compiled.js, line 19)
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:45.339 ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_SUCCESS  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", zoneSettings: Array}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {type: "ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", zoneSettings: Array}Object
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action @ 10:11:45.457 ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS_SUCCESS  (compiled.js, line 29)
    [Log]  prev state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object
    [Log]  action – {type: "ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", zoneAnalytics: Object}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {type: "ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS_SUCCESS", zoneid: "blablalbla", zoneAnalytics: Object}Object
    [Log]  next state – {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, …}Object (compiled.js, line 30)
    {activeZone: {id: "blablalbla", name: "blablabla.com"}, app: {isInitialized: true}, config: Object, intl: Object, user: {isLoggedIn: true, isFetching: false}, …}Object

    So the root cause of this is caching right?


    Are being cached on CloudFlare, or in your browser, or both. Doing a hard refresh on the plguin won’t refresh config.js and en.js. I think you’ll need to visit those URLs directly and do a hard refresh.

    We’ll work on making sure these assets aren’t cached in the next release.


    Are being cached on CloudFlare, or in your browser, or both.

    That’s kind of ironic. OK, so I force purged the 3 files mentioned above and now I see 3.0.6 instead of 3.0.5 and the Development Mode switch shows up on the More Settings page.



    Yes, the irony is not lost on us haha. Glad your issue is resolved. As I said we’ll fix this cache issue for real in the next release.


    Thread Starter Abigailm


    Resolved now after re-clearing all caches (Cloudflare, server, browser)

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