• I had suddenly plenty of problems with my wordpress site until the theme’s author (muffingroup) wrote to many issues with an example:

    “The problem is with mailchimp plugin. This plugin overwrite our theme styles and you should contact with plugins author to do not overwrite themes styles. Take a look at https://snag.gy/NhEhH.jpg to see where this comes from.”

    What is your take on that after I invested so much time to integrate your plug-in …. all lost hours?

    Please advice.



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  • Hi there STUDIO B?RIG,

    Thanks for stopping by the support forum, I’m happy to help with that flick.css file overwriting other styles of the theme.

    In the plugin settings under “List Options”, there is a check box for “Use Javascript Datepicker?” – having this feature disabled (unchecked) will remove the flick.css link from pages containing the MailChimp form.

    This Datepicker feature and that css file correspond to the little calendar that can pop up when a date field is present in the signup form. Disabling the feature under “List Options” should do the trick to prevent flick.css from interfering with any other jQuery UI code being used on the site. To disable, uncheck the box beside “Use Javascript Datepicker?” and click the “Update Subscribe Form Settings” button.

    Thanks for posting. Have a great day!


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