My config:
JavaScript Options
– Optimize JavaScript Code: yes
– Force JavaScript in <head>: yes
– Also aggregate inline JS: yes
– Exclude scripts from Autoptimize: s_sid,smowtion_size,sc_project,WAU_,wau_add,comment-form-quicktags,edToolbar,ch_client,seal.js
– Add try-catch wrapping: no
CSS Options
– Optimize CSS Code: yes
– Generate data: URIs for images: yes
– Remove Google Fonts: yes
– Also aggregate inline CSS: no
– Inline and Defer CSS: no
– Inline all CSS: no
– Exclude CSS from Autoptimize: admin-bar.min.css, dashicons.min.css
CDN Options
– CDN Base URL:
My wp-config.php
define(‘WP_CONTENT_URL’, ‘’);
define(‘WP_CONTENT_DIR’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/wp-content’);
define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);
My wp-content/plugins/autoptimize/autoptimize.php
// wp-content dir, dirname of AO cache dir and AO-prefix can be overridden in wp-config.php
if (!defined(‘AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_CHILD_DIR’)) { define(‘AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE_CHILD_DIR’,’/cache/autoptimize/’); }
//if (!defined(‘AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_NAME’)) { define(‘AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_NAME’,’/wp-content’); }
if (!defined(‘AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_NAME’)) { define(‘AUTOPTIMIZE_WP_CONTENT_NAME’,’/’.wp_basename( WP_CONTENT_DIR )); }
if (!defined(‘AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHEFILE_PREFIX’)) { define(‘AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHEFILE_PREFIX’, ‘autoptimize_’); }
Finally I update cache, but nothing happened. As you se the source code still contains a lot of css/js files.