Thank you very much for your reply.
When I select the role on the registration page, It only shows up in the Capabilities of the user profile, not in roles, role part looks empty. I am tried to register a new user with Contributor role.
Users with Contributor role can access a category of posts. I have selected Contributor role to be able to access that content on “Select which roles can access this content”
However this user can not access the content that is for Contributor role.
In usermeta table I see this 2 records about it:
(wp_capabilities : a:2:{s:11:”Contributor”;b:1;s:15:”bbp_participant”;b:1;}
submitted:{s:4:”role”;s:11:”Contributor”;s:7:”form_id”;s:3:”275″;s:9:”timestamp”;s:10:”1563467112″;s:7:”request”;s:0:””;s:8:”_wpnonce”;s:10:”3f38fde86e”;s:16:”_wp_http_referer”;s:13:”/?page_id=280″;s:10:”first_name”;s:4:”Sara”;s:9:”last_name”;s:4:”test”;s:10:”user_login”;s:6:”s.test”;s:10:”user_email”;s:20:”[email protected]”;}).
Please let me know if I am not clear enough so I can try to explain more or if I should do something differently.
Thanks a lot