• hello,

    thanks for this plugin, however i have a problem
    when i use this shortcode :
    [is_open]This content is only shown when you are open[/is_open]
    [is_closed]This content is only shown when you are closed[/is_closed]

    it works only if no time is set i wish that 9:00:19:30 at 19:30 the closed message appear can you repair this ?

    and the closed day is not display when i check case in widget ??

    ty ??


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  • Plugin Author wearewoolf


    Hi Nawak,

    Let me have a look into this for you.

    Could you confirm which version of WordPress you are running?


    Plugin Author wearewoolf


    Hi Nawak,

    We have been testing the plugin and cannot seem to replicate your problem.

    Could you confirm you have your WordPress time zone settings set up correctly? You can do this in Settings -> General, we use this to determine your current local time rather than the server time which can be inaccurate, if this setting is incorrect on your website this would explain why you are having issues with the closing time.


    Thread Starter nawak



    yes my config is good

    UTC+2 for Paris

    L’heure universelle (UTC) est 2016-05-04 11:46:28 L’heure locale est 2016-05-04 13:46:28. => on my computer : 13h46

    you can see the plugin at the bottom of my website :

    and this part of code :
    <?php elseif( $show_closed === true || $show_closed === ‘true’ ): ?>
    <dt><?php echo ucwords($day); ?></dt>
    <?php endif; ?>

    doesnt work if i doesnt set a periode, closed is not displayed.

    if you add a .po language file i can translate this plugin in french

    thanks you


    Thread Starter nawak


    I forgot the problem that I have this is without code changes

    code to display a message if open or closed :

    // is_open() function
    if( WPOTP()->is_open() ):
    $imgopen = ''. get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/images/icon_open.png';
    print '<img src="' . $imgopen . '" alt="" style="margin-bottom:0px" />';
    echo "Magasins ouvert.<div style='font-size: 12px; important!'>Sauf cas exceptionnel</div><hr \>";
    // is_closed() function
    if( WPOTP()->is_closed() ):
    $imgclose = ''. get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/images/icon_close.png';
    print '<img src="' . $imgclose . '" alt="" style="margin-bottom:0px" />';
    echo "Magasins fermé.<div style='font-size: 12px; important!'>Sauf cas exceptionnel</div><hr \>";
    Thread Starter nawak


    and this code for :

    – add a clock before time
    – translate day in french
    – replace – by / in bold
    – add letter spacing for day

    this is the hack but it gives you an idea of what could be quite an improvement with the best code ( customise plugin in administration would be great ?? )

    <!-- MODIF - Modification de la ligne pour faire prendre en compte les 2 array dans un foreach -->
    <?php foreach(array_combine($dows, $dows2) as $day => $day2): ?>
    <?php if( isset($wpotp_options[$day]) && !empty($wpotp_options[$day]) ): ?>
    <!-- MODIF - Modification de la ligne pour espacer les lettres et prendre la variable $day2 qui est en francais -->
    <dt style="letter-spacing: 3px;"><?php echo ucwords($day2); ?></dt>
    <?php foreach( $wpotp_options[$day] as $slot ): ?>
    <time itemprop="openingHours" datetime="<?php echo substr(ucwords($day), 0, 2); ?> <?php echo $slot['open']; ?>-<?php echo $slot['close']; ?>">
    $imghorloge = ''. get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/images/icon_clock.png';
    if( $display == '24' ):
    // MODIF - Ajout ligne Print
    print '<img src="' . $imghorloge . '" alt="" style="margin-right:8px" />';
    // MODIF - Remplace le tiret par une barre en gras
    echo $slot['open']." <b>/</b> ".$slot['close'];
    elseif( $display == '12' ):
    $this_open = strtotime($slot['open']);
    $this_close = strtotime($slot['close']);
    // MODIF- Ajout ligne Print
    print '<img src="' . $imghorloge . '" alt="" style="margin-right:8px" />';
    // MODIF - Remplace le tiret par une barre en gras
    echo date('h:ia', $this_open)." <b>/</b> ".date('h:ia', $this_close);
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php elseif( $show_closed === true || $show_closed === 'true' ): ?>
    <dt><?php echo ucwords($day); ?></dt>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    sorry for your eyes i’m not a developper ??


    Thread Starter nawak


    sorry I have found the problem the plugin uses the universal time utc but not time UTC+2 of my wordpress

    L’heure universelle (UTC) est 2016-05-04 12:10:38 L’heure locale est 2016-05-04 14:10:38.

    it use utc not local time with my parameter utc+2

    any idea ?


    Thread Starter nawak



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