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  • In your Child Theme or CSS Editor Plugin try this code:

    #pg-144-0, #pg-144-1, #pg-144-2, #pg-144-3, #pl-144 .panel-grid-cell .so-panel {
        margin-bottom: 0px;

    If your theme has a custom CSS Editor in it, you can also paste the code in there.

    Never edit core CSS or PHP files under Appearance > Editor. Your edits will be deleted when the theme is updated.

    Thread Starter mickmode


    It didn’t work. I started “inspecting elements” now and am learning about where the code comes from. It’s so strange, your code should resolve the problem, but it’s not. Could it be a theme restriction?

    Very helpful knowing about the Simple Custom CSS plugins. I was about to add your code into Appearance > Editor.

    When using Tesseract, click Edit Row, click Layout, there is a button for Bottom Margin, ENTER 0. If it’s blank you get default margins. Update, DONE!

    OMG thank you !!!


    I have the same problem as derek, having a white space between my rows, tried to enter 0 in the bottom margin space but it still won’t work. I assume it′s a background issue, since when I change the background color by default (in white) into black for example, the white space turns the same color.
    Anyone know how to get rid of that white stripe ? I am also using the Tesseract theme.
    The website is, between the second and third row.

    coco7794, I looked at your site. Since you don’t have that issue b/w the first and second row, I think you have the answer to some extent. Did you “Edit Row” for the SECOND Row as well and make the Bottom Margin “0”? Also, perhaps you made the spacer in the Second row larger than the pics. You can try and decrease the spacer 10-20 px and see if that gets rid of the white space.

    I made the bottom margin “0” for the second row as well.
    I have no spacer in the second row.
    Tried what you said but still won’t fix this issue.
    What would you recommend I should try next ?

    How did you insert the three pics in that row?

    I edited my second row so I could have 3 columns in it. Each and every sub-row has a Visual Editor widget in it, and the three pics were added into each sub-row, without no spacer.

    Yes, I figured that, but HOW did you insert the pics w/o a spacer? I’m guessing you just inserted the pic in the column. If you do that, there is white space that I don’t how to get rid of. However, if you insert a spacer, for your pics probably about 300 px, and use the pic as the ‘Background image’ for that column and enter 0 for Bottom Margin, you can eliminate white space. So, click Edit in the Visual Editor for each column, delete your pic, add a spacer, try 300 px, add pic as Background Image, preview, and then adjust the amount of the spacer to display the pic the way you want. You’ll want a spacer amount that will be consistent for all three pics. Preview should show no white space, then try the other two columns.

    Man it worked! The actual problem was that I directly inserted the pics in the columns instead of using them as background images.
    Thank you so much!

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