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  • emble


    I have the exact same issue, yesterday it worked, now it isnt, so the plugin has to be wrong…. Could you let me know please if you could solve somehow the problem?!

    Thread Starter tiztou


    Hey hi mate i connected the dev he gonna look into it i send him everything i have i tested it even with older version discord plugin also with older memberpress version so the problem i think is at Discord API they had yesterday downtime 21 november also they did a update in their discord API changelog so i sended it all to the dev and hopefully fixes it asap.. do you use the free version or pro version i am using free version was working perfectly 2 days ago and somehow something changed in discord api itself also maybe in the plugin because they updated it yesterday also but the thing is i tested it with a older version discord plugin and memberpress plugin still same problem also made a new website with clean installation same problem when you create new account on your website and connect it connects the first time after that when you disconnect it wont connect anymore i tested alot of things but its not on our side..

    Dev is working on it hopefully today or tomorrow fix join their discord group

    Let me know what you use like

    Memberpress or pmpro
    what php version etc..



    Thats craazy, thank you for doing that!! Im using the free version for memberpress too. We cannot do anything else really just to wait… :/ the first time I faced this issue was yesterday too, before that it worked perfectly for more than 4months…

    Thread Starter tiztou


    Yo mate i think i fixed it dev helped me a lil

    So what they did in the latest discord plugin update they added a delay to connect and disconnect but i think there is a bugg in it so what you do i simple

    Downgrade to the older version of 1.0.26 you can find that plugin on the page below at plugin download
    Clear all cache of website not database just website also clear cookies also from cloudflare purge
    add a cronjob like this
    */1 * * * * /usr/bin/wp-cron.php
    every 1 minute
    just reboot server and then it should all work again

    Then it should work again put at plugins in your website the discord plugin on no updates disable auto updates.

    Hopefully i helped you with this mate GL if you have questions reply below



    Hey brother, thank you so much for sharing your solution. Ive uploaded 1.0.26., Ive cleared all sites cache with Litespeed cache, Ive added the cron, (I do not have cloudflare btw.) and Ive also rebooted the server. Unfortunately for me it still does not work.

    Im thinking of deleting the plugin and reuploading it again with the older version but Im scared datas will be lost…

    I was literally testing my site yesterday, was all working great! Today out of the blue, no longer working.. It lets you click the connect button, takes you to authorise the connect and then returns to the site but with no account connected.

    Scratching my head as to how a plugin can randomly stop working

    @tiztou thanks for you proposed solution, I did try but was unable to get it working unfortunately. It’s ridiculous how many headaches this plugin has caused me :’D I may have to switch to a Zapier integration or something like that

    After some troubleshooting, it appears that the bug happens when a user disconnects their discord and then tries to reconnect. When re-connecting it redirects back to the correct page but no Discord account is connected.

    I have the same issue, please fix this! Many users are complaining.

    When user disconnects, the plugin is meant to delete the custom user meta that it creates upon connection, however I’ve noticed this hasn’t been happening after some testing.

    I’ve had to create a custom function to hook into the ets_memberpress_discord_remove_usermeta action to ensure the data is removed correctly. It has fixed my issue and users are able to reconnect again.

    I have the same issues as you guys. I’ve also noticed that the Welcome Message does not work anymore when I managed to connect a MemberPress account to Discord. I’ve disconected the account to retry and since then I can no longer connect the account at all.

    Does any of you guys have the UpdraftPlus plugin installed and active on your affected sites?

    @connorjf I have the exact same issue and still could not solve it. What kind of function did you do, how did you do that? That would fix my problem and a lot of others problem too I believe

    Thank you for your help G

    PS.: I dont use UpdraftPlus

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 4 weeks ago by emble.

    Hi Guys, so from community support feedbacks I understand previous users having connected once and disconnected could not connect again.

    In the latest version we added a code for scheduled deletion API call for members doing disconnect, this change was recognised to stay below with discord rate limit AP’s

    We are actively working on re-producing cases and release a fix ASAP.

    I am not affiliated with this plugin and I don’t know what the developers advise is for adding this.. do so at your own risk, it just works for my setup and is temporary until they release a fix..

    I opened up file public/class-memberpress-discord-public.php and added this code snippet under line 592

    global $wpdb;

    // Searches for all user meta keys containing '_ets_memberpress_discord'

    $meta_keys = $wpdb->get_col(

    ? ? $wpdb->prepare(

    ? ? ? ? "SELECT meta_key FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE meta_key LIKE %s",

    ? ? ? ? '%_ets_memberpress_discord%'

    ? ? )


    // Loops through the meta keys and delete them for the specific user

    foreach ($meta_keys as $meta_key) {

    ? ? delete_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key);


    The users meta should already be cleared in order for it to work. I use the JSM Show User Metadata plugin which shows the user meta in the edit user screen. It allows you to clear the meta data yourself.

    Hopefully this helps!

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