• Resolved fabiotoscani


    Hello all,
    i have a problem only for mobile version but:
    On Home page all works perfectly (Desktop, tablet and mobile)
    on product page: for Desktop and tablet version all ok but, for mobile all feedback are showed vertically and whithout style.

    I really don’t understand why.

    I use Elementor pro and Hello Theme

    Thank you all for any reply.

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Plugin Support Lídia from Trustindex


    Hi @fabiotoscani !

    Could you include images of the issue?

    Also, please send us the troubleshooting text, which you can copy from the “Advanced” tab of the plugin, in the “Troubleshooting” box, by clicking “Copy to clipboard,” so we can assist you further.



    Feel free to write us, if you need further assistance,


    Thread Starter fabiotoscani


    Hello Lidia,

    Below all details you have requested:

    URL: https://www.toscani.store
    MySQL Version: 5.5.30
    WP Table Prefix: wp155_
    WP Version: 6.6.2
    Server Name: https://www.toscani.store
    Cookie Domain: https://www.toscani.store
    CURL Library Present: Yes
    CSS path: /home/toscani/www/wp-content/uploads/trustindex-google-widget.css
    PHP Info:
    Version: 8.2.23
    Memory Usage: 96.72MB
    Memory Limit: 256M
    Max Upload Size: 10M
    Max Post Size: 20M
    Allow URL fopen: On
    Allow URL Include: Off
    Display Errors: Off
    Max Script Execution Time: 30 seconds
    WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL: not defined
    WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS: not defined
    Plugin: Widgets for Google Reviews
    Plugin Version: 12.2
    active: 1
    page-details: Array
    [id] => ChIJCfqJfNpfKhMRSvhGAv8poHU
    [name] => Toscani Store di Fabio Mereu
    [avatar_url] => https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-k_c5_i5uwlE/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/txy0LmKTs7Q/s160-c-k-mo/photo.jpg
    [write_review_url] => https://www.google.com/maps/place//data=!4m3!3m2!1s0x132a5fda7c89fa09:0x75a029ff0246f84a!12e1
    [address] => Via de Gasperi, 2A, 51039 Quarrata PT, Italy
    [rating_number] => 76
    [rating_score] => 5

    style-id: 4
    review-content: <div class="ti-widget" data-layout-id="4" data-set-id="" data-pid="" data-pager-autoplay-timeout="6" data-review-target-width="300" data-language="it" > <div class="ti-widget-container ti-col-3"> <div class="ti-reviews-container"> <div class="ti-controls"> <div class="ti-next" aria-label="Prossima recensione" role="button"></div> <div class="ti-prev" aria-label="Recensione precedente" role="button"></div> </div> <div class="ti-reviews-container-wrapper"> <!-- R-LIST --> <div class="ti-review-item source-%platform%" > <div class="ti-inner"> <div class="ti-review-header"> <div class="ti-profile-img"> <img src="%reviewer_photo%" alt="%reviewer_name%" /> </div> <div class="ti-profile-details"> <div class="ti-name"> %reviewer_name% </div> <div class="ti-date">%created_at%</div> </div> </div> <span class="ti-stars"><span class="ti-star f"></span><span class="ti-star f"></span><span class="ti-star f"></span><span class="ti-star f"></span><span class="ti-star f"></span></span> <div class="ti-review-text-container ti-review-content"><!-- R-CONTENT -->%text%<!-- R-CONTENT --></div> <span class="ti-read-more" data-container=".ti-review-content" data-collapse-text="Nascondere" data-open-text="Leggi di più" ></span> </div> </div> <!-- R-LIST --> </div> <div class="ti-controls-line"> <div class="dot"></div> </div> </div> <div class="ti-footer"> <div class="ti-rating-text"> <span class="nowrap">Valutazione complessiva <strong>PLATFORM_NAME</strong> </span><span class="nowrap"><strong>RATING_SCORE</strong> su RATING_SCALE, </span><span class="nowrap">in base a <strong>RATING_NUMBER recensioni</strong></span><!-- FOOTER FILTER TEXT --> </div> </div> <div class="ti-footer-filter-text"><!-- FOOTER FILTER TEXT --></div> </div> </div> 
    filter: Array
            [stars] => Array
                    [0] => 1
                    [1] => 2
                    [2] => 3
                    [3] => 4
                    [4] => 5
            [only-ratings] => 1
    scss-set: drop-shadow
    lang: it
    no-rating-text: 0
    verified-icon: 0
    enable-animation: 1
    show-arrows: 1
    show-reviewers-photo: 1
    download-timestamp: 1728200882
    widget-setted-up: 1
    disable-font: 1
    show-logos: 1
    show-stars: 1
    load-css-inline: 1
    review-download-token: 46fe14e932
    review-download-request-id: f43bb7567406gaeb
    review-download-modal: 0
    footer-filter-text: 0
    show-header-button: 1
    reviews-load-more: 1
    notifications: Array
            [not-using-no-connection] => Array
                    [timestamp] => 1720611745
                    [active] => 
                    [do-check] => 
            [rate-us] => Array
                    [active] => 1
                    [timestamp] => 1720611745
                    [hidden] => 1
            [not-using-no-widget] => Array
                    [active] => 
                    [timestamp] => 1720532625
            [review-download-available] => Array
                    [active] => 
                    [do-check] => 1
            [review-download-finished] => Array
                    [active] => 
    cdn-version-control: Array
            [feed-css] => 1.0
            [widget-css] => 2.0
            [widget-html] => 1.0
            [last-saved-at] => 1726767245
    version-control: Array
            [widget-css] => 2.0
            [update-version-check] => 12.2

    Reviews: Array
    [0] => stdClass Object
    [id] => 1
    [hidden] => 0
    [user] => Francesca Bellino
    [user_photo] => https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjWonmnZA3pMT-1iJTKBPWsYI-TCzOtNKi1XcAGHkbCTnS3hgbHv=s120-c-rp-mo-br100
    [text] =>
    [rating] => 5.0
    [highlight] =>
    [date] => 2024-09-26
    [reviewId] => ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNuN3ZDWldBEAE
    [reply] => Grazie di cuore per il suo feedback Francesca ????????

        [1] => stdClass Object
                [id] => 2
                [hidden] => 0
                [user] => Silvio Lampugnani
                [user_photo] => https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjWt2Od8jTnzoEhcimYrmNfenmT3LUoHzMarbCcPB_J-AvtkeMwH=s120-c-rp-mo-br100
                [text] => Primo ordine direttamente dallo store anche se prima ho già utilizzato il collare in ambra baltica sulla mia jackina,buon prodotto e fatto artigianalmente.
                [rating] => 4.0
                [highlight] => 
                [date] => 2024-09-25
                [reviewId] => ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNuNXByeU1REAE
                [reply] => Buonasera Silvio ci teniamo a ringraziarla per il suo feedback. Ci auguriamo di vederla presto ??????
        [2] => stdClass Object
                [id] => 3
                [hidden] => 0
                [user] => Enrico Colca
                [user_photo] => https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjWcI_Wh5Nr_v9KMWWDJ3vtjdLudnATH-eGAXBT0tr8ctPyPeoiv=s120-c-rp-mo-br100
                [text] => Prodotti ottimi, la comunicazione è stata piacevole
                [rating] => 5.0
                [highlight] => 
                [date] => 2024-09-25
                [reviewId] => ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNudW83YkRBEAE
                [reply] => Grazie di cuote per la sua recensione Enrico. Felici di aver soddisfatto tutti gli aspetti. Vi aspettiamo presto ??????
        [3] => stdClass Object
                [id] => 4
                [hidden] => 0
                [user] => riccardo butini
                [user_photo] => https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocJc0wU3TKuaqYV2VkZBz1Y37T4qtQsH0ojMSd2DXeYzctAwCA=s120-c-rp-mo-br100
                [text] => Come sempre prodotti unici e  servizio super!!!!!
                [rating] => 5.0
                [highlight] => 
                [date] => 2024-09-24
                [reviewId] => ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNuZ291eEVBEAE
                [reply] => Ciao Riccardo, grazie infinite per il tuo feedback. Grazie per la fiducia, è senpre un piacere . A Presto ??
        [4] => stdClass Object
                [id] => 5
                [hidden] => 0
                [user] => lona m
                [user_photo] => https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocLx5eyMNvr30chl4V1JUUO8Xk4IgYnxjQdn1nDp2amDBRCIoA=s120-c-rp-mo-br100
                [text] => Fabio sempre gentilissimo e prodotti sempre eccellenti. Grazie sempre di cuore
                [rating] => 5.0
                [highlight] => 
                [date] => 2024-09-21
                [reviewId] => ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNua0pUMXZnRRAB
                [reply] => Aono io che ci tengo a rigraziare tutti i clienti che continuano a dare fiducia a Toscani. Vi aspettiamo presto ????????
        [5] => stdClass Object
                [id] => 6
                [hidden] => 0
                [user] => M.Federica Zamboni
                [user_photo] => https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocIvJyOjny9fPqnWG603olR3vL9oG1KOVtBvwANU0TEI9CWhPUE=s120-c-rp-mo-br100
                [text] => Ho preso il collarino di riconoscimento per la mia cucciola, il Prodotto è eccezionale! Indossato alla piccola, sembra che neppure si renda conto di averlo. L’idea di poter fare un bracciale per me uguale mi è piaciuta molto e devo dire che anche io lo trovo estremamente comodo! Assolutamente consigliato sia per la qualità dei prodotti che per la gentilezza e la rapidità nel far avere il prodotto!
                [rating] => 5.0
                [highlight] => 
                [date] => 2024-09-21
                [reviewId] => ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNub0lMNWxnRRAB
                [reply] => Che piacere sapere di aver soddisfatto a pieno le aspettative. Frazie infinite per la sua recensione, vi aspettiamo presto ????????
        [6] => stdClass Object
                [id] => 7
                [hidden] => 0
                [user] => Maya Vaghi
                [user_photo] => https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjVIwW7dnZI3odFv2TJQ_1dxfM-SNp_Wzmdsx8Duo3cNcvSXrIY=s120-c-rp-mo-br100
                [text] => Le creazioni di Fabio sono meravigliose, ho comprato due collari e due guinzagli waterproof e riguardo la loro qualità non si può dire nulla, pazzeschi! I colori super accesi, il materiale perfetto per ogni evenienza e facilissimo da pulire. L'unica pecca è stata la difficoltà nello stringere i collari (clip regolabile), ma dopo qualche sforzo siamo riusciti e stanno benissimo ai nostri due cagnoni. (Nei guinzagli da addestramento sarebbe bello avere anche un anellino intermedio così da avere ancora più opzioni di lunghezze, comunque stupendi). Grazie mille Fabio per aver realizzato dei pezzi che ci dureranno per un sacco di tempo!
                [rating] => 5.0
                [highlight] => 
                [date] => 2024-09-18
                [reviewId] => ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURIdGJXMDJBRRAB
                [reply] => Ciao Maya grazie per il tuo preziosissimo feedback. Per la guinzaglieria potrete richiedere variazioni e personalizzazioni scrivendoci sul canale whatsapp dedicato così da venire incontro alle vostre esigenze ?? . Vi aspettiamo presto
        [7] => stdClass Object
                [id] => 8
                [hidden] => 0
                [user] => Alessia Averna
                [user_photo] => https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocJbxofcvqjmDMaAr2gEktkoPJk2AnUUqf6zMylwo4qdaQtVjEJS=s120-c-rp-mo-br100
                [text] => adoro questo negozio, terzo ordine fatto qua, sempre tutto perfetto
                [rating] => 5.0
                [highlight] => 
                [date] => 2024-09-18
                [reviewId] => ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURIdGRpS3lnRRAB
                [reply] => Giulia ti ringraziamo di cuore per le belle parole e per la fiducia accordataci. A presto ??
        [8] => stdClass Object
                [id] => 9
                [hidden] => 0
                [user] => ele basilico
                [user_photo] => https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjV87ODmuytFpC6lhqBrvSCD06rWuUWBrb82haJ4vXUIdOmsFmmP=s120-c-rp-mo-br100
                [text] => Molto soddisfatta sia per il prodotto ordinato che per la velocità di spedizione! Grazie
                [rating] => 5.0
                [highlight] => 
                [date] => 2024-09-17
                [reviewId] => ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURINmUyUk1BEAE
                [reply] => è un vero piacere, soprattutto quando riusciamo a colmare oe distanze fra noi e le voatre esigenze. Vu aspettiamo presto ??
        [9] => stdClass Object
                [id] => 10
                [hidden] => 0
                [user] => Francesca Tornari
                [user_photo] => https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjXbbsiULMGciGRKSn_Y6ghQ0_E6oBYFAWHotueDhpEIkvA1ZQ0=s120-c-rp-mo-br100
                [text] => Ordine eseguito in maniera impeccabile!! Materiale molto resistente e personalizzazioni molto belle!! Lo consiglio vivamente!
                [rating] => 5.0
                [highlight] => 
                [date] => 2024-09-17
                [reviewId] => ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURINlp6V1h3EAE
                [reply] => Ciao Francesca, grazie di cuore. Leggere la sua recensione ci da una carica positiva per comtinuare a fare sempre del nostro meglio. Vu aspettiamo presto ????

    Active Theme: Hello Elementor 3.1.1
    Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce (4.8.3 – active)
    Code Snippets ( – active)
    Converter for Media (6.1.0 – active)
    CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent (3.2.6 – active)
    Customer Reviews Collector for WooCommerce (4.5 – active)
    Elementor (3.24.4 – active)
    Elementor Pro (3.24.2 – active)
    Enable Media Replace (4.1.5 – active)
    Extra product options For WooCommerce | Custom Product Addons and Fields (3.2.9 – active)
    Free Shipping Label (3.1.2 – active)
    Packlink PRO Shipping (3.4.11)
    Perfmatters (2.3.3 – active)
    PixelYourSite (9.7.2 – active)
    Product Catalog Feed by PixelYourSite (2.2.0 – active)
    PW WooCommerce Exclude Free Shipping (1.38 – active)
    Really Simple Security (9.0.2 – active)
    Sequential Order Numbers for WooCommerce (1.6.5 – active)
    Site Kit by Google (1.136.0 – active)
    Widgets for Google Reviews (12.2 – active)
    WooCommerce (9.3.3 – active)
    WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery (1.3.0 – active)
    WooCommerce Legacy REST API (1.0.4 – active)
    WooCommerce PayPal Payments (2.9.1 – active)
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    Wordfence Security (7.11.7 – active)
    WP Mail SMTP (4.1.1 – active)
    WP Rocket ( – active)

    and here you can see the view problem:

    I’ve tryed aso to exlude Trustindex JS from Cache Plugin but nothing.

    this happened only on Single product page, on Home page it works perfectly

    Plugin Support Lídia from Trustindex


    Hi @fabiotoscani !

    Please change the “Enable CSS internal loading” setting under the “Advanced” tab.

    Let us know what happens.


    Thread Starter fabiotoscani


    Hi Lidia,

    i’ve tryed your solution but the problem goes on mobile and desktop version also.

    So i’ve selected again for “normal” CSS compilation and i’ve tryed to eclude trustindex’s JS to WP Rocket plugin and…. now it works perfectly on all versions!

    Thank you so much for your support.


    Plugin Support Lídia from Trustindex


    Hi @fabiotoscani !

    Thanks for the update.

    Let us know if we can help with anything!

    Trustindex Team

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
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