• OrmigaDesign


    Hi there,

    So when I finally got the website to work on the localhost, I cannot go into the admin area to go to the dashboard and make the necessary changes.

    When I do, this is what happens:
    ! ) Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘type’ (T_STRING) in C:\wamp\www\wp-admin\admin-header.php on line 49
    Call Stack
    # Time Memory Function Location
    1 0.0011 164528 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0

    Then I go to the admin-header.php file on line 49, and this is what it says:
    $admin_body_ript type=”text/javascript”>

    And this is the whole php:


    wp_enqueue_style( ‘colors’ );
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘ie’ );

    $admin_body_ript type=”text/javascript”>
    addLoadEvent = function(func){if(typeof jQuery!=”undefined”)jQuery(document).ready(func);else if(typeof wpOnload!=’function’){wpOnload=func;}else{var oldonload=wpOnload;wpOnload=function(){oldonload();func();}}};
    var userSettings = {
    ‘url’: ‘<?php echo SITECOOKIEPATH; ?>’,
    ‘uid’: ‘<?php if ( ! isset($current_user) ) $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); echo $current_user->ID; ?>’,
    ‘time’:'<?php echo time() ?>’
    ajaxurl = ‘<?php echo admin_url(‘admin-ajax.php’); ?>’,
    pagenow = ‘<?php echo $current_screen->id; ?>’,
    typenow = ‘<?php echo $current_screen->post_type; ?>’,
    adminpage = ‘<?php echo $admin_body_class; ?>’,
    thousandsSeparator = ‘<?php echo addslashes( $wp_locale->number_format[‘thousands_sep’] ); ?>’,
    decimalPoint = ‘<?php echo addslashes( $wp_locale->number_format[‘decimal_point’] ); ?>’,
    isRtl = <?php echo (int) is_rtl(); ?>;

    Can anyone help me figure out what the issue seems to be? I’m totally stuck!


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  • Thread Starter OrmigaDesign


    Well, I seem to have fixed it. I used a newer version of the admin-header.php file and deleted the code that was causing issues.
    It’s for testing, so when I go live I won’t be including this file, I’ll just leave the one that’s there… and import new files…


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