Hi @moishi408 and @joylord
What you need to know is that, Nextend Social Login tries to generate a unique username from the First name and Last name that is coming from the provider. The problem is that, if your username contains special characters then we are not able to generate a valid username for WordPress as WordPress doesn’t support special characters in usernames.
For this reason, we need to generate a unique and random username in such cases.
If you want to override the usernames before the registration, then actually we have the “nsl_registration_user_data” filter that you can use to override the usernames, too. Please note that we can not provide support for custom coding, but in our Developer documentations you can find examples for the usage of the filter:
Note: In the Pro Addon we have options to ask a username from user input in such cases. However on this forum we are only allowed to provide help for the Free version. So if you have a question for that feature, please rather open a support ticket here:
Best regards,