• # PROBLEM 1:

    The featured image in amp post is getting stretched i.e my actual image size is 700×400
    for non-amp which is fine. But in amp, the same image for featured image is getting stretched i.e to 767×537 which is showing error (warning) in google search console amp section. The featured image should be same i.e 700×400 for non-amp and amp version both.

    My all image size for all my post is 700×400. But for other images compared to featured images are displaying better even in amp page. The only problem is with amp featured. image.

    Please fix it.

    # PROBLEM 2:

    Next problem is that I am using amp-youtube tag even in a non-amp page so adding amp-youtube script is compulsory which I am doing it adding from theme analytics panel.
    But that script is not getting auto-added in amp version. Please make that addable.
    e.g: <script async custom-element=”amp-youtube” src=”https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-youtube-0.1.js”></script&gt;

    It would be better you please add all necessary amp script auto addable in the head tag.

    I have fixed that editing the plugin header.php section. But I have to change and modify it each time with the plugin update. However, adding my manual non-amp CSS to an amp is compulsory for better look like non-amp which I have to do in any way.

    But solving the problem of the amp-youtube script will solve one of my problems. Please include that and all other amp scripts in the head tag. It will be helpful for other plugin users who know a little coding of an amp as I do. I know amp coding very well.

    Please do consider those above two problems. Overall it’s awesome. When I will start making money then I will donate you on regular interval for this awesome plugin. Plese, don’t let it die as other plugins do.

    Don’t worry I will advertise about it for you just for free as most recommended wp amp plugin in the market better than official amp plugin. It’s only possible to recommend to others if the above two problems are solved. This will help the user to stop getting a warning in google search console amp section.

    Hoping to hear a positive response from you.
    Basudev Yadav

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