Problem In Exporting The Donation Details
I am trying to export the data for the donations made but Pan Number of the donation are not being fetched now , it was fetched earlier , could you please help us with this issue ?
@nwdco Thanks for reaching out.
Can you go into more detail on this issue?
Can you share the step by step process you used to export data for donations? When you say “it’s not being fetched now” does that mean the column is being displayed empty, or the column isn’t being displayed at all (or only for some). When did you observe this stop working?
How was the Pan Number added to the donation form initially, and is there a reason why i’m not seeing it as part of the donation form now? Where is this being entered?
The donation export feature CSV should only export the basic donation information, and Pan Numbers might not be included in this especially if the information is never entered on the Charitable side to begin with (if it’s entered in your payment gateway it might not be stored by Charitable or a part of the export). But with some additional information we can clarify and confirm a few things to better respond. Thank you.
For us the Pan number for the donations were being fetched and we were able to export the data easily but i guess since we have updated the charitable plugin the pan number field from the donation form has disappeared also we are now not able to fetch the pan numbers !!
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
@nwdco If the PAN number is no longer in the donation form, how was it added in the first place? Since Charitable doesn’t add this by default it would be usually added by a code snippet – upgrading Charitable shouldn’t have disabled this on it’s own.
Let us know if you can determine how it was added – perhaps a snippet plugin has the code turned off or a custom plugin is deactivated?
Here’s some direction in adding a custom field to the donation form:
Let us know if this helps and if you have any further questions.
With your help i was able to add a new custom field to my form , but the pan numbers for my clients are visible in my JSON file till the day before i had updated the charitable plugin , after updating the plugin the pan numbers are no longer being exported now , neither is shown on the donation form page !!
@nwdco Thanks for the response. Without knowing how the pan numbers were incorporated into your site (because Charitable doesn’t have that by default – and your form seems to submit to a third party site/page for payment) it’s difficult to troubleshoot. Updating Charitable itself should not have effected this, especially if the pan number was added as a custom field to the donation form like in the script we shared with you.
Can you please clarify “neither is shown on the donation form page” – the script I gave you should have solved this (and it seemed like you said it worked) so maybe we are talking about different forms. Feel free to share a screenshot of where the Pan Number was and if our script did actually add it back exactly where it was.
Please also double check your site to make sure any plugin, snippets, etc. aren’t turned off in case you or your developer were using this to add the pan number in the first place.
And just for support reasons let us know what version of Charitable you updated from and what version you have now.
Please also test with our script with a test donation to see if the pan number comes through (and in the export if there is a empty column or no column for pan at all).
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
We are using Version of the plugin , the earlier version was v1.7.0.10 rest other things i will let you know
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
For Us when we are exporting the data for donations the pan number field is visible until 7th Feb , on 7th Feb the Charitable Plugin was updated !!
@nwdco thanks for this response. to make sure we are reading your information correctly is the following correct:
- You upgraded from to and on the same day experienced issues.
- Previously you saw PAN Number export in your column but now there is NO PAN NUMBER COLUMN at all (this is important – if the pan number column is still there but there are no Pan Numbers, please let us know)
- You never had a “pan number” field on your Charitable donation form on your website (only recently when you used our code but before that you didn’t)
We are asking to confirm the above because some of this information was in the questions we asked previously but some of the responses weren’t clear for us to determine.
If you never had a Pan Number in the donation field at, the only other place it could have come from would be a third-party code or plugin, perhaps taking a number entered from the gateway and passing it along to Charitable. I notice you use Instamojo as a Payment Gateway. Charitable does not support this gateway in any of our official plugins… but we notice that another third-party plugin does on Instamojo Payment Gateway. Are you using this plugin? Can you provide us a list of active, inactive plugins and your WordPress theme (you can easily copy a list from your Site health screen at /wp-admin/site-health.php?tab=debug).
The upgrade from to in Charitable was a small security release that should not have effected anything to do with custom fields or Pan numbers but since we do not support third party plugins we wanted to confirm if you were using the Instamojo Payment Gateway plugin or any similar non-official Charitable plugin.
- You upgraded from to and on the same day experienced issues. – Yes
- Previously you saw PAN Number export in your column but now there is NO PAN NUMBER COLUMN at all (this is important – if the pan number column is still there but there are no Pan Numbers, please let us know) – Yes , previously we had a pan no. field in our export sheet (as attached in the above img) but now it is not visible.
- You never had a “pan number” field on your Charitable donation form on your website (only recently when you used our code but before that you didn’t) – We had a Pan number field but it was not visible for us after the plugin was updated , we added the pan no. field again using your code now
- Also , we are using Instamojo currently
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
@nwdco Thank you for these responses and sharing the list of plugins.
So just to review again: Charitable nor any of it’s official addons add a Pan Number to the donation form. If you had it in the donation form it had to have been added by a third party plugin or a code snippet (likely in your theme functions.php or via a plugin).
By what you’ve told us it sounds like at the same time you updated Charitable core it “broke” that code snippet – thereby removing the custom field ability to hook into Charitable, thus losing the entire column in exports. Since Charitable core does NOT add that field it’s important to know how or where this code that added this field came from in order to troubleshoot this more effectively. The code we would be looking for might be very similar to the code we provided to you earlier which made the Pan Number field appear in your donation form.
That being said, these are suggestions our team has (in order of what you should try).
- Ask any previous developers (it looks like you are using a custom built theme called “rotibank” – which matches your domain name – so likely you had developers involved with the site?) if they added code to add the PAN Number to the donation field and how/where it might be. Do a search of your theme (especially functions.php) and any custom theme specific plugins for code as well.
- Another possibility is to reach out to the developers of the Instamojo Payment Gateway plugin since they might have added this or worked with PAN Numbers.
- You can try downgrading to to see if the Pan Numbers reappear. If you reach out to us via our support site, we would be happy to email you a safe secure link to download that version.
- It is possible that if a developer added snippet code to add a pan number to the donation form DIRECTLY into Charitable itself then upgrading to would wipe that custom code and it would be lost. Although rare, this can happen… the only way to confirm this would be to restore a backup of the site or perhaps just the plugin previous to when you upgraded to
- See if you can confirm Pan Numbers are still with previous donations (you can view a past donation in Charitable and see if the Pan Number is listed on the side info area, as shown in the screenshot at the end of this message).
- Finally you can attempt to confirm if the pan numbers from previous donations are still in the database.You would need to access the mysql database of your WordPress install (most commonly via phpmyadmin via your hosting company). In the wp_postmeta database table locate a row with a post_id of a donation (example: “123”) AND the meta_key of “donor”. The meta_value will contain a serialized array of the values of the donation and you should see “Pan Number” included in this array. If you do see this that assumes the Pan Numbers were stored via a proper code snippet and still remain in the database, and we would just need to determine how to export them out again. If they are not there, then whatever snippet or method used to add Pan Numbers might not have been coded properly.
Based on the information we have, these are the suggestions our team can think of to help troubleshoot this further. Again, the key is knowing how the Pan Number was integrated to your website before since Charitable doesn’t add this by default. Hope the above helps!
I’m going to go ahead and close this thread for now. But if you’d like us to assist further, please feel welcome to continue the conversation.
I am facing another issue here too , for all the donations made earlier there was a donation unique ID which was generated which we were also able to find it in the excel , but for the latest donation the unique ID field is not visible in the backend as well as in the export file , could you pls help us with this issue ?
@nwdco regarding the “donation unique ID” normally when you export donations CSV on the donations page you have in the (typically first) column “Donation ID” (usually followed by the campaign ID in the second column). Is this is what you referring to?
If so, you should be able to see this same Charitable assigned donation ID when you view all your donations (when you click “donations” in the WordPress menu you see the #XXX FirstName LastName in the list of donations… clicking on any donation has the title “Donation #XXX” near the top of the individual donation page. If you don’t see this, then something is seriously wrong (and wouldn’t be likely to be something associated with the Charitable upgrade as you described).
I would go to our list of already made suggestions (1-5) and see if any one of those results in additional information. Have to assume donation ID and Pan Number are related – the only difference is that donation ID is exported by default in Charitable CSV exports of donations, Pan Number as previously explained is not.
This is our export file from earlier donations in which a unique ID was generated dynamically !!
@nwdco thank you for sharing. The “Donation Unique ID” text and column is likely (probably like “Pan Number”) generated by custom code or a third-party. We suggest going through the 6 items we suggested above since it appears these two fields are added into Charitable’s reporting by something. An addition to these suggestions It might be worth it to download your entire themes and plugin folders and do a keyword search for “Donation Unique ID” to see where (or if) that appears.
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
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