• Hi,

    just wanted to change my default gravatar to my site by adding following code to my functions.php file: (


    add_filter( 'avatar_defaults', 'newgravatar' );  
    function newgravatar ($avatar_defaults) {
        $myavatar = get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/buildinternet-gravatar.jpg';
        $avatar_defaults[$myavatar] = "Build Internet";
        return $avatar_defaults;


    [Code moderated: please ensure that your code is enclosed in backticks (`) or use the code button.]

    looks like a did something wrong because when I updated the file I got a white screen and I can’t access my website anymore.Did I deleted something or…? The theme I’m using is Workaholic – v 3.0.5.

    I already downldd the theme again and tried to upload the new functions.php file back to my website but nothing changes…

    Below is my screwed up funtions.php file (can any of you see a problem with it? I think the fault must be in the lines at the end):

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

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  • once you reupload the original functions.php clear your cache and try loading the website it should load up fine.

    Thread Starter jerome2011


    Thanks for the reply, but this does not work, also tried on other computer but still white screen when I try to access website (www.major-jom.be). Is there something in the code that I deleted?
    => asking this because I am not sure that my back-up funtions.php is the same as the old one (is from newer version of theme…).

    Thanks for any assistance!

    im having a look at your functions.php , but just to let you know your website is loading fine.

    Thread Starter jerome2011


    So strange… it’s loading fine indeed now on my computer (Firefox and IE). But when I try another computer (IE) he will not run…

    loading fine on FF IE and Chrome

    Thread Starter jerome2011


    Ok… now I see it also => I can open him if I put https://www.major-jom.be , NOT when I put in major-jom.be without the ‘www.’. But this should be a hosting issue no?

    Anyway many thanks for the help!

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