Problem doing backup error PHP ERR][ISSUE] MSG:Constant E_STRICT is deprecated
Hello! I am trying to make a backup, but it is impossible because it stops by error-200 and says this (at the end of the error message):
[PHP ERR][ISSUE] MSG:Constant E_STRICT is deprecated [CODE:8192|FILE:/var/www/html/|LINE:250]
Elementor\Core\Logger\Manager->shutdown, Elementor\Core\Logger\Manager->get_log_type_from_php_error, DUP_Handler::error, DUP_Handler::getMessage
[PHP ERR][ISSUE] MSG:{closure:ElementorPro\Modules\Forms\Submissions\Actions\Save_To_Database::__construct():193}(): Implicitly marking parameter $exception as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead [CODE:8192|FILE:/var/www/html/|LINE:193]
DUP_Handler::shutdown, DUP_Handler::error, DUP_Handler::getMessageWhat can I do?
Can you help me?
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