was the warning telling that you must update (red border and you cannot close it), or was it only the yellow soft warning telling that there is a new version and it’s better to update, but you can close the warning and carry on?
I’ve done some tests and couldn’t replicate the problem. I am nearly sure that it was something related to your custom theme file but I’m not sure what.. probably something going wrong due to the fact that you started using the plugin since very early times and your first custom template file was made from a very old version.
Anyways, I’ve now tweaked a bit the plugin so that you won’t need to customise the file at all. ??
Update the plugin and add this to your theme’s functions.php:
* Add the Posts Count to the text/title for the dropdown
* of Pages By Custom Taxonomy widget
* @hooked to 'pbytax_dropdown_title'
* @param string $dropdown_text text string as per widget options
* @param array $instance full list of current widget options
* @param array $data ( 'count' => count($pbytax_posts) )
* @return string
function bwd_add_count_to_pbt_dropdown_title( $dropdown_text, $instance, $data ) {
if ( ! isset($data['count']) ){
return $dropdown_text;
$dropdown_text .= ' - '. $data['count'] .' - titels ..';
return $dropdown_text;
add_filter( 'pbytax_dropdown_title', 'bwd_add_count_to_pbt_dropdown_title', 11, 3 );
Then make a copy of your custom template just to be safe, and delete it from the website.
at that point the plugin will pick the default template file, which now contains a filter-hook. And the above function will use that filter to add the counter (and the “titels” ) to the dropdown text.
give it a go and let me know if you need help with it.