• Resolved gresio64


    I Still Have Problems for the popup of this ticket


    My Last Answer After Closing

    I tried to send the form from your site but do not send

    I did some tests, I inserted the ID 1409 in the code below, the site did not work

    I copied the code in the Functions.php file of Thema Child

    <? PHP // Ignore This First Line When Copying to Your Child Theme’s Functions.php File.
    Function launch_a_popup_IF_COOKIE_CONSENT_ACCEPTED () {?>
    <Script Type = “Text/Javascript”>

    Const Popupid = 1409; // Change to Your Popup ID Number.

    // Here, We Use The Compliazian Plugin Accept Button Css Classes. Replace with Yours.
    Document.queryselettor (‘Button.cmplz-Btn.cmplz-accept’). Aidentlisthener (‘Click’, Function (Event) {
    Console.info (‘%Ci Heard a Button Click for Accepting The Cookie Notice.’, ‘Color: Limegreen; Font-Size: 18px’);
    Settimeout (Function () {
    Pum.open (Popupid); // Launch the Popup After in Delay.
    }, 2000); // Change the 2 Second Delay to the Amount You Want.
    }, false); // listener

    <? Php}
    Add_ottion (‘WP_Footer’, ‘Launch_a_popup_IF_COOKIE_CONSENT_ACCEPTED’, 500);


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  • Bel


    Hi @gresio64

    Thank you for getting in touch, and we’re sorry you are having trouble on the cookie consent.

    I tried checking the link you have provided, but it seems it is no longer working.

    We would like to take a closer look at the issue. Could you use the Temporary Login Without Password plugin to give us admin access?

    Please email us the login link using our support email address [email protected]

    Thank you for your kind understanding, and we look forward to your response.

    Plugin Support mark l chaves


    Hey @gresio64,

    If that’s the code you’re using in your child theme functions.php, it definitely won’t work. Your copy/paste introduced many errors for example:

    1) Const is invalid. I should be const. Function is wrong. It needs to be function. Button is wrong. It needs to be button. And, so forth. Please don’t use that code you pasted into this thread. Please use the code we gave you.

    Here’s the code again.


    You need to be fluent in JavaScript if you want to work with any custom code. If you’re not, please work with a WordPress web developer who is.

    2) At the bottom, Add_ottion is completely wrong. See line 17 in the correct code we gave you earlier.

    3) The instructions say to ignore line 1 if you’re using your functions.php. Since you’re using functions.php, copying line 1 will cause an error. Don’t copy line 1 into your functions.php. Follow the instructions carefully.

    We already did the hard work of getting you a working example for your cookie consent. It should work properly after you install it correctly and update your popup ID number (see instructions in the code).

    The install and edits are only a 2-minute job. That should be easy for a WordPress developer to do.

    Here’s a video of the code working perfectly on our test site.


    If you’re still having issues even after following all instructions and how-to guides perfectly, then submit a ticket with your admin access so we can take a look.


    Thread Starter gresio64



    I glued the correct code and replaced ID, but does not block the popup


    Plugin Support mark l chaves


    Hey @gresio64,

    Can you make sure you removed your Auto Open trigger?

    From the previous thread.

    You’ll also need to remove any Auto Open triggers on your popup for this to work correctly.

    This is the correct link to your related thread (your earlier link is wrong).



    Thread Starter gresio64


    I made the changes and now it works big, if you don’t authorize cookies, the popup does not open


    Maria T


    Hello @gresio64,

    You’re very welcome.

    Thanks for letting us know and we’re glad to hear that it works for you now! ??

    Hey, if you have a moment, could you please rate the plugin?

    We’d appreciate sharing your experience with everyone.

    Have a great day!

    Cheers ??

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