• Hello,
    The plugin cannot Connect
    I’ve installed the Facebook chat plugin, but when I activate it and try to press the “Setup Chat Plugin” button the page doesn’t load and it says clear your cookies, but I’ve done that and still, it’s not working. What could be the problem?
    This is a problem from the Facebook country so I can’t influence the problem

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  • Hello,
    I have the same problem :/
    I don’t know if problem isn’t by a new version.

    I’m also having the same issue! Facebook please assist us.

    I’ve been having this issue for about a month now. My client is forcing me to get it working, so I’m now reaching out on their behalf. FIX THIS ISSUE FACEBOOK.

    Thread Starter Arthur Virabyan


    Let’s find the mail of the plugin developers, and together we will write about the problem so that they understand the seriousness of the problem

    I have same problem. Plugin works fine this is a facebook issue. I sent email to facebook 2 days a go still waiting. When i click setup chat plugin it open different page and is not loading. That something to do in your facebook account. I have a different fasbook account when i click setup, it works fine. I look in this account setting couldn’t find anything to clear. Facebook has to clear your account cache in backend.

    Thread Starter Arthur Virabyan


    Can someone replicate this?, I tried and it didn’t work.

    You can get around the too many redirects issue by going to the Facebook Chat settings page in your WordPress instance.

    Use Developer tools (F12) to run the following JS snippet. Change your page_id to your page ID (Page > About > scroll to bottom).

    var page_id = 12345689012345;
          var locale = "en_US";
          var data = {
            'action' : 'fbmcc_update_options',
            'pageID' : fbmcc_sanitizeNumbersOnly(page_id),
            'locale' : fbmcc_sanitizeLocale(locale),
           '_wpnonce' : ajax_object.nonce,
            type: 'POST',
            url: ajax_object.ajaxurl,
            data: data,
            success: function(results) {
              jQuery('#fbmcc-page-params').css('display', 'inline-block');

    Make sure domain is setup in the Meta Business Suite: https://business.facebook.com/latest/inbox/settings/chat_plugin

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