• pilarte


    I did download the theme https://bullsy.premiumcoding.com/demo.php
    for my site: https://www.mujeresviajeras.com/
    I have many problems:
    the aqua page builder for this theme only support 6 blocks!, so, I can not put slide shows in the main picture on the home page, distribute in columns the recent post, the popular post.. et., as well as I can not put the sections like in the demo page of bullsy theme ((premium reviews, best deals, etc.) and I can not open the home page with the different options: (the Ajax opening post and ports, home with iosSlideshow, home with nivoSlideshow, portfolio as home..)in the theme options (slider options) section I have activated the different options, but it does not appear in the home page. In the home home page the tittle appear duplicated as a navigation page: (mujeresviajeras.com ? ?te atrae la aventura? entonces…. esta es tu web)
    can you help me or tell me who can I contact ? thanks


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