• grvogt


    I did an automatic upgrade to 3.1 after backing up my databases and now the pages are not loading. I can get into the admin panels and I deactivated all plugins. When I go to https://www.domain name.com/wp-admin the admin page comes up without a problem. I reloaded PHP but that didn’t help. The pages are intact as far as editing them, but do not display. Does 3.1 require something else that the previous version didn’t? I had not downloaded 3.0.5 and had planned to do so when I saw 3.1 was available. I updated the theme I am using thinking the upgrade required the newest version of the theme.

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  • Harlz


    oh and besides that I hate that new admin junk at the top and
    can find no admin panel to turn it off or do anything else with.

    And also, sorry admins, I missed the edit button above on my previous post.



    To disable the Admin bar, navigate to your Profile page and untick when viewing site under Show Admin Bar, then save your changes.

    Thread Starter grvogt


    The plugin here worked for me. I got this from the windows thread.




    thank you esmi, I am just a wee bit flustered at the moment, that info is much appreciated, you have no idea how much work I put into developing my bro-in-laws site and he is paying me too. I had just finished telling him I almost had it ready for him and he could go have a look at it from the sub-folder I installed it to in my own site. Now I have to start all over.
    I am more than NOT impressed with this update. A little voice told me not update it and I just did not listen.
    I damn sure will investigate all further wordpress ” updates ” before installing them.

    Has decided to try a complete fresh install of wp 3.1 with anew database
    from the ground up. Will let everyone know how it goes in a while.

    Hopefully it is only the update from 3.0 to 3.1 that is the problem and not a fresh install of 3.1. We shall see. Wish me luck!

    Moderator keesiemeijer


    I gave you the solution (I think) on your own topic regarding the disappearance of Custom fields.

    How did it destroy the website?

    The upgrade would not destroy your theme, unless you had it in the ‘twenty ten’ folder?

    The upgrade would overwrite the twenty ten folder, that is why theme development is done in a new folder or using a child theme!

    I cannot see how else it would destroy your website?

    Just Interested.




    Not a problem David, always more than eager to hear what others may have to offer. Especially if any little tricks can be derived by something I may have done wrong so that in future I do not do it again.
    Welcomes any input you may have.

    All of my posts went to PAGE NOT FOUND, the website itself did indeed stay intact, am using Traject Theme. My pages stayed intact, but all of the many many posts I had created while actually still there, would only show as PAGE NOT FOUND. These are the steps I did to update wp to 3.1 initially
    1. Backed up database as prescribed like I always do via PhPMyAdmin
    2. EXPORTED { thank God ! } all my posts and pages with TOOLS from WP to xml file.
    3. Turned off ALL PLUGINS
    4. Switched to default them ( twenty-ten ) before upgrading automatically
    5. Performed UPGRADE AUTOMATICALLY, like I have always done.

    6. Upgrade successful message recieved! ( everything seemed fine )
    7. Checked my homepage site url << looked ok to me! Still had it at twenty ten
    8. Clicked on new posts – PAGE NOT FOUND!
    9. Went ahead and activated Traject.
    Clicked on posts- PAGE NOT FOUND!

    10. Almost threw up.

    11. Tried a database restore, no go

    12. Has created a new freehosting account so bro in law
    can see what I am doing, has created a new database and has installed 3.1 from scratch- has imported pages and posts that I had backed up.

    Other than I have to ” tweak ” the theme all over again and install my cufon font, and few other minor extras, it should only take me a few hours to re-create the site for him to see. Once he approves it, I shall just do the same thing all over again on his real server.

    While it has been a PITA, because I at least had the good sense to export posts, pages and attachments to XML before upgrading, all is not lost.

    When I get it all – redone will post a link.
    I have removed the database and the sub-directory wordpress install
    from my own site since I no longer needed it because the import worked
    on the fresh freehosting site. I was so proud of it, it is beautiful!
    Or will be again anyway. I am not a professional, but I LOVE creating wordpress sites for friends and family. Sometimes they pay me a wee fee like I am getting for this one because it is quite involved, but more often I do it for free.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    grvogt – Your site link loads for me. It asks me for a password, but it loads.

    Harlz – You may need to let WP regenerate your .htaccess.




    Thanks! will try that if it happens again.

    I have an older wp site that I am sure needs an upgrade
    on an old freehosting site from a long time ago
    that has recipes on it. It is quite filled and I have been
    meaning to copy it over to my server for sometime now.

    I will copy it over this week first BEFORE trying an upgrade
    and then if I run into the same problem will try the htaccess

    Is lost on this step:
    Pull the htaccess file down so that you have a local back up. Once you’ve pulled it down, go ahead and delete it from your server.

    what does ” pull the htaccess file down “ mean?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Well yeah, ALWAYS make a backup of files AND database before upgrading ?? That’s a given.



    Is lost on this step:
    Pull the htaccess file down so that you have a local back up. Once you’ve pulled it down, go ahead and delete it from your server.

    what does ” pull the htaccess file down “ mean?


    duh, nevermind, sometimes that old lightbulb just has to get switched on

    it means save the file first to your computer I guess as it is now
    so you have it if you mess things up. At least I hope that is what it means LOL.



    Hey guys,
    I just upgraded from wordpress 3.0 to version 3.1 and now EVERYTHING is gone.

    When I go to: https://hcg.befit4free.net/wp-admin/
    I get the error message:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class wpdb in /home/befit4fr/public_html/hcg/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 52

    When you go to: https://hcg.befit4free.net/
    I just get a BLANK page. I REALLY NEED HELP!!! ASAP.

    What happened to my site?

    Please email me if you can help:
    [email protected]

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    SwapTribe: Your upgrade failed and is incomplete or something similar.

    Do a manual upgrade via FTP instead:

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Harlz – You got it ??

    SwapTribe – Re apply the upgrade manually, BUT yours is not the same problem, so please make a new post.



    If someone can look at my site and see what’s wrong, I’ll make a paypal donation. Is there a way I can revert back to wordpress version 3.0 and make everything work again?

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