• Hi guys,

    Thanks for reading me and sorry for my english. I have a question adding new code to header.php on my multipurpose template.

    I’m trying to view one image in header, but, when I paste the next code, nothing appears, while in other parts of the code, it shows.

    <?php echo '<a href="https://www.castillomontjuic.com/12a-edicion-plenilunios-castillo-montjuic" itemprop="url"><div style="/*float: right;position: absolute;position: fixed;margin-left: 83%;margin-top: 5%;*/float: right;position: absolute;margin-left: 76%;/*margin-top: 7%*/top: 3.5%;/*left: 76%;*/z-index: 2000;"><img src="https://www.castillomontjuic.com/wp-content/uploads/logo_top_plenilunis.png" alt="Plenilunis" height="" width=""></div></a>'; ?>

    I paste the code in this lines…

    <?php if ($header_layout < 8 || ($header_layout > 10 && $header_layout < 15)) : ?>
    <!-- <<<< NEW CODE HEARE... BUT, NOT WORKS... >>>> -->
    		<div class="main-header-wrapper">
    			<section class="main-header cf">
    				<?php get_template_part('logo'); ?>

    Thanks to all! ??

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