• I have an online radio station and I use code that has <iframe> in it. When I add that code to an html widget, every widget and the footer disappear. I can place widgets above the iframe widget, but nothing below it. I really need to find a solution because the iframe code is for an online radio button and I cannot have it at the bottom of all the other widgets because nobody would scroll long enough to see it.

    [code]&lt;iframe src="https://broadcaster.live365.com/v1/now-playing/small/a71594&quot; width='220px' height='380px' frameborder="0"/&gt;[/code]

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter bmroyer


    Another problem. I just created a top menu and now it is cutting the header/banner and description.

    I see that your IFrame widget issue is solved now. The header/banner has really got nothing to do with this widget.

    Thread Starter bmroyer


    No it is not. If you click on the pages without the radio widget, it shows the whole header. But on the homepage https://mudcatcountry.com, it hides the bottom of the slogan and banner. Also, there are widgets underneath the radio widgets that don’t show up. All widgets above the radio widget show, but everything below does not show. It all has to do with the iframe. I am viewing in Chrome Desktop.

    I am having the same issue with this widget. I am almost certain it is the fault of the widget itself

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