Problem accessing posts page
I am running a couple of separate blogs out of one installation (I can’t do multisite).
So all posts for all blogs go into a single page of post digests with a Read more button on each.
That’s OK, I can deal with that my assigning categories (one for each blog) and subcategories (topics within each blog) to each post and then use a sidebar widget to allow users to select a blog and topic.
That’s all good except my “Welcome’ post for each sub-blog gets pushed down the page and there seems to be no way of making it sticky (I have set the post as sticky but it doesn’t stick it to the top of the posts list when you select a category.)
That’s also OK, I thought, I can get round that by creating a main page for each blog so that it has a menu item and landing page. I will put my welcome text there. Users can then use the category menu in the sidebar to select the topical posts.
That’s when I hit a problem. If a user selects the blog page on the main menu, then selects the first item in the category to reveal the first post digest, the correct digest appears but when you press the “Read More” button the main page is displayed NOT the post.
To replicate this:
1. Go to
2. Select “Angus’s Blog” from main menu
3. In Left sidebar “BLOG CONTENTS” select “Angusology” then the subcategory “‘Allo”
4. The correct post digest appears followed by a “Read More” button
5. Press the button
6. Instead of expanding that post, the system displays the “Angus’s Blog’ page.I am using the Read More theme.
What am I doing wrong please?
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