• Hi everyone! I am looking for someone who can help me with instant articles, I am ready to pay money for that. I made everything without any mistakes but facebook writes that:
    We couldn’t review your Instant Articles at this time. Some possible reasons for this include the inability to access the mobile web versions of your articles (we compare the mobile web version to the Instant Article to make sure all content has been included) or the font in your Instant Article not rendering correctly. As a first step, make sure that the mobile web versions load correctly before resubmitting. Please refer to the below reviewer notes for more specific information.
    If you are having trouble getting through review perhaps our WordPress plugin will help. We have partnered with WordPress on an official plugin for Instant Articles. You can find out how to use it by clicking here. We also have our SDK which you can read about by clicking here.

    To test and debug your Instant Articles before submitting them for review or sharing them with your followers, use the Pages Manager app. If something is wrong, you can then use the article editor to debug them. The article editor can be helpful to highlight errors and warnings in the HTML markup for your content. Learn how to download and use the pages manager app here!

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