• I would like to privilege a certain type of post in particular. My website will feature posts from multiple and multiple authors, so I would like to display a post from some of them to each specific number of posts.
    Example: Maria is an author on my website, my website has 5000 authors.
    I want to privilege Maria’s posts (because my site has infinite scrolling) displaying one of her posts for every 10 posts displayed.

    I could mark a specific user role to display the posts or make a manual list that can be edited containing the authors, or specify by a post goal, such as the category or a tag, preferably.

    Is there already a tool capable of doing this?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Developing with WordPress topic
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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Taxonomies are the principal way to organize posts. You can add a specific category term or tag term to priority posts, or create a new taxonomy for the purpose. You could instead designate such posts with a custom field value, but I’d expect taxonomy queries to be more efficient (unverified, just a hunch).

    You could manage by user role, though doing so by capability would be better. You can add capabilities to individual users regardless of role. This would complicate post queries though. Unless organizing by user is really important, I’d stick with a taxonomy term of some sort assigned to posts.

    You could modify the lazy load script to insert the next available priority post every time it adds a batch of regular posts. The main query should be modified to exclude priority posts to avoid having duplicates appear.

    Thread Starter nulledprofile


    @bcworkz Thanks for your awnsers. I’m just trynna do that.

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