Hi @b-rad
I hope you’re well today and thank you for your question!
Default configuration for Broken Link Checker is to run continuously in background, looking for new links being added to site, all the time while you’re working in wp-admin area.
A new post/page added to the site is by default public unless you change its status to private. There’s a chance that Broken Link Checker will “catch” content of such post/page before it’s saved as private. Also, there might be URLs coming from posts that weren’t private from the beginning but were later changed.
Once the URL is detected by the plugin and added to its internal list, it gets checked, unless/until plugin’s “link monitor” at some point finds out that the given page is now private – but that might take a while.
A solution to this is to go to “Settings -> Link checker -> Advanced” page and run “Re-check all pages”. It will “scan” the site again and should skip all the private posts/pages.
If this is the issue that happens regularly you might also want to disable the “Run continuously while the Dashboard is open” option on the same page and this will ensure that plugin’s Link Monitor won’t work all the the time while you’re logged in, which in turn should minimize the chances that it will “catch” the links in content before the page is set as private.
Best regards,