Hi michaeljmac,
At the moment, DW Question & Answer still does not support a review system yet. We will add it soon in the newer version. We can suggest a way of handcoding here. please notice : If you update the latest version of DW Question Answer, your modification in code will be lost, so please check your file again.
For Question: open file: ”actions.php” in folder: /wp-content/plugins/dw-question-answer/inc/ and look for:
$post_status = ( isset($_POST[‘private-message’]) && $_POST[‘private-message’] ) ? ‘private’ : ‘publish’;
Change it into:
$post_status = ( isset($_POST[‘private-message’]) && $_POST[‘private-message’] ) ? ‘private’ : ‘pending’;
For answer: open file: ”actions.php” in folder: /wp-content/plugins/dw-question-answer/inc/ and look for:
‘post_status’ => ‘publish’
Change into:
‘post_status’ => ‘pending’
Now every time a question/answer is posted, you can go to back-end and approve it.