• Hi,


    I think that there is a definite need to be able to register members into private groups so that they can have access to a private part of the site that acts as a private blog for private members only.



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  • There’s a couple of plugins that I’ve tweaked to work with 2.2 that will let you set pages as private, by group/role.

    Have a look at my site download library and you’ll see them.

    If you try to access a restricted page, you’re asked to login to view it. If you don’t have the rights once you login, you’re directed to another page which you can create with “Content Restricted”, or whatever you want to say.

    Hope it helps. They work for me and one other person, YMMV.

    Thank you for your effort in posting this. I still agree with wordguy, wordpres needs some kind of usergroup feature. There are plugins, but they lak support by other plugins (galler, etc).

    A family that does not want all it’s gallery pictures spread over the internet cannot use wordpress. As the viewers can not be restricted by groups. Same with messages, sidebar items, etc.

    I really hope this gets picked up because i’m really impressed with wordpress!

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