every one can acess group forum
I have tried to play around with all the setttings, but I cant get your plugin to do this…All forum titles (and optionally descriptions) visible to both logged on and non-logged on users.
DESCRIPTION : Users and non-users will be able to see that group forums exist, but not access topics/replies.em>
ALL members, no matter which Group they belong to can access Everything in all forumsSETTINGS
Forum VisibilityForum visibility – active
Redirect pages – active/non active where do i ACTIVATE this?
URL for login: https://support.gravidmassage.se/forum-for-elever-och-fardig-utbildade/registrera-dig/
URL for non logged in:https://support.gravidmassage.se/forum-for-elever-och-fardig-utbildade/registrera-dig/
Freshness – active
Freshness Message: Klicka h?r om du vill registrera digGeneral Settings
Hide topic and reply counts – active/
Show Descriptions – active/
Remove ‘Private Prefix’ – active/YOU CAN TRY TESTSITE
member: Sara
password: hej
Group 1 : DGM*
not member to Group 2 TGM*
problem: can acess Group 2 TGM*Thxs from John ( Sweden)
Happy new year!
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