This is a new mid-size intranet for 500 employees. End users have access to some sections of the site depending on their fields of work (inspector, management…).
Employees who don’t have these privileges must not see this content.
While we use the WP roles for managing the edition of content, we use the plugin “Groups” to grant access to sections.
So if the page/post/document Z is tagged with the group “Management”, only users with the group “management can view it. This work great for pages, posts and documents. I want the search to reflect the same pattern. I don’t want the result to show contents that the user don’t have access to.
Right now, we are strugling with some wordpress search plugins to deal with various needs, including this one. The other plugins are working with “Groups” but have serious other limitations (search in documents, relevancy ordering, etc.)
I think your idea could respond to our needs.
To add to that, we are adding a message “This content is private to group XYZ” when an user with the group XYZ see a post/page/document. The user is happy to know that this content is private and the others cannot see it. If the search result could do this, it would be great too.