Hi Matt,
In your email you wrote:
I saw your update on the free Support forum. The location lookup works as expected, but if it’s not working for you it is most likely an issue with the configuration of the Google API key. I know you mentioned that you did everything, but in support a lot of customers with this, 9 times out of 10 it’s a configuration issue.
Also, make sure you’re on the very latest version of the Pro plugin; version 1.5.4. > Version is 1.5.4.
If you can send me screenshots of how your API key is configured in your Google Console that would help as well. > I’d love to but how do I post that private?
Lastly, it’s possible that another plugin is conflicting with our lookup scripts. Try deactivating ALL other plugins and see if that resolves it. If it does, re-activate each plugin one by one until you have the problem again, and then let me know which plugin caused the issue and I’ll replicate and provide a workaround. > I understand this request but the plugin worked before, we didn’t add any plugin(s)