• Whenever someone prints something from my blog (or I from anyone else’s) it’s an ugly mess of tables, ads, sidebars, and extra pages. Is there a way to print effectively from a WordPress blog? Is there perchance a plugin I can install that will allow people to print my posts (and/or specifically the recipe part of my posts) with ease?

    Mine’s at https://www.wasabimon.com if you’ve like to check it out.

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    You can simply add another stylesheet to your theme. It’s relatively straightforward. I discuss it a little bit here: https://ottodestruct.com/blog/2007/06/22/geekery-and-beer/

    For an example of it in action, do a Print Preview (or just print) that page. Looks a bit different, doesn’t it? All done with stylesheets.

    Basically, you just make another stylesheet that hides all the stuff you don’t want to display (using display:none). Having the Web Developer add-on for Firefox helps make this easier. Then you put that stylesheet into your theme as print.css and add a new tag to your header.php. Simple.

    Thread Starter juusan


    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    I don’t care for wp-print much, as it adds a lot of overhead and is hard to use. The stylesheet approach is more compatible and simpler.

    Wp-Print works well, but it prints too much, and the links are actually active in the print preview window. I’m using my own print stylesheet that is working fine.

    But I also want to remove the URL address of the page that’s being printed — any suggestions on where to find it in any of the templates or stylesheets?

    any suggestions on where to find it in any of the templates or stylesheets?

    no, because neither of those contain that info.

    the output of what is printed is determined by whats inside the plugin file, print-posts.php and the options page for the plugin.

    I’m not using a plug-in, so there’s no option page, just a stylesheet. What do I list in the stylesheet to stop the url from printing?

    Or is it somewhere else. I’m not finding a print-posts.php file in my installation. (I’m using the Kubrick theme, with a lot of template changes.) I’m willing to look through all sorts of files for a particular piece of code — but what piece of code am I looking for? I haven’t seen anything that resembles an instruction to the printer to “print the url address of the page that is printing in the upper right corner and at the bottom of the page.”

    I’m not using a plug-in, so there’s no option page, just a stylesheet. What do I list in the stylesheet to stop the url from printing?

    if youre not using a plugin, and cant provide what you are using, no-one can help you.

    Or is it somewhere else.

    Yes it is. stylesheets dont manage content ever. theyre for style, hence their name.

    Its in a file, as for the string, no-one here is going to know that exact thing. We can only guess.

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