Unfortunately E2Pdf is desigined to output content via pre-designed E2Pdf Templates so it will require correct setup to output Formidable Forms View / Entry data via Formidable Forms View.
If your Formidable Forms View output “Single” entry data:
1. You can create E2Pdf Template connected to “Formidable Forms” -> “Form” and design E2Pdf Template with 3 possible ways:
- Design it with “Visual Builder” and map needed fields/elements with Formidable Forms shortcodes.
- Create “HTML” object and put there content from “Formidable Forms View”. It’s recommended to set “Disable WYSIWYG Editor” on “HTML” object. (https://prnt.sc/lUxjqwZUB2TF)
- Create “HTML” object and put value as
[display-frm-data id=x filter=limited entry_id="[id]"]
2. Place [e2pdf-download id="1" dataset="[id]"]
inside Formidable Forms View, where 1 is the ID of E2Pdf Template.
If your Formidable Forms View output “Multiple” entries data then you can:
1. Create E2Pdf Template connected to “WordPress” -> “Pages” (if you plan to place PDF download shortcode on “Page” and not inside “View”) or connect to “Formidable Forms” -> “Form” (if you plan to place PDF download shortcode inside “View”. ).
2. Create “HTML” object and use Formidable Forms View shortcode inside as: [display-frm-data id=x filter=limited]
3. Place [e2pdf-download id="1"]
shortcode on the page (if connection “WordPress” -> “Pages”) or inside Formidable Forms View (if connection “Formidable Forms” -> “Form”) as [e2pdf-download id="1" dataset="[id]"]
, where 1 is the ID of E2Pdf Template.
P.S. Keep in mind please that currently E2Pdf shortcodes can’t work with $_GET params and E2Pdf has limited support of “HTML” / “CSS”.
P.P.S. Paid version allows to create multiple page PDFs and in this case content from 1st “HTML” block can be continued to next pages via “Splitting Content Over Pages” features. It must be created another page with “HTML” block where will be set “Parent” to 1st “HTML” object ID and “Hide Page (if empty) option. For next pages it must be same settings as for 2nd (Same “Parent” and “Hide Page (if empty)”). (https://prnt.sc/pB8SPERHwL2b, https://prnt.sc/1c823eq0KUwA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZNxz_JZ3d0).
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