@miaosibo Sorry that your question was not answered sooner. Just to be clear,
It’s definitely ok to post questions here, but if you need business critical support and a guaranteed response, then please contact the dedicated Star support team for your region, so that it has a dedicated support ticket and can’t be missed. Due to the large number of questions, as well as other conflicting responsibilities it means we don’t always have a chance to respond to everyone. I hope you can understand.
Now on to your question, yes this version can be made available but there are a few caveats to keep in mind.
1) When an order is received the print job is sent to all printers, not just 2.
2) This version of the plugin is not being actively maintained, and issues you might find while using it will not be worked on.
3) The plugin is using our code base back from early 2020. As such you might find features you’re currently using will not be available. Its hard to quantify what specifically since the code base is much older
If you understand the risk, then you can find the “Output to All” version at the link below: https://vault.star-emea.com/s/B8iQm2xjrHSqY5b
Lastly, i’ll be closing the duplicate issues you opened.