Thanks for reaching out. At this time, we don’t support official compatibility with WooODT plugin and the print templates. We have a couple of options you should consider and if you would like to support WooODT plugin for a print template showing the meta data created by the plugin on the receipt, you would review Option 2.
Option 1: Pickup/Delivery plugins supported by print templates already. Currently, we support our Pickup and Delivery plugin: and another developers Pickup/Delivery plugin by IconicWP: with print templates out of the box. This will allow you to integrate easily with the print plugin and templates.
Option 2: Developers build their own templates, we provided a support post here on the forum:, which can help guide.
Unfortunately, we aren’t able to provide code level review and support to developers at this time, as you can probably understand as a developer unless we understand how your code is developed and written, it’s difficult to provide specific guidance. One recommendation, you can review the code we’ve developed for compatibility with our plugin, under the directory location of the plugin: /includes/functions.php line 67 and print templates, example customer details /templates/customer-html.php line 40.
I hope this information is helpful to adding those fields for the WooODT plugin.