I just replaced the file -> frontend/class-permalinks-customizer-form.php:
// Replace %category% with the respective post category with their parent categories
if (strpos( $replace_tag, "%category%" ) !== false ) {
$categories = get_the_category( $post_id );
$total_cat = count( $categories );
$tid = 1;
if ( $total_cat > 0 && is_array( $categories ) ) {
$tid = '';
foreach ( $categories as $cat ) {
if ( $cat->term_id < $tid || empty( $tid ) ) {
$tid = $cat->term_id;
$pid = '';
if ( ! empty( $cat->parent ) ) {
$pid = $cat->parent;
$term_category = get_term( $tid );
$category = is_object( $term_category ) ? $term_category->slug : '';
if ( ! empty( $pid ) ) {
$parent_category = get_term( $pid );
$category = is_object( $parent_category ) ? $parent_category->slug . '/' . $category : '';
$replace_tag = str_replace( '%category%', $category, $replace_tag );
// Replace %category% with the respective post category with their parent categories
if (strpos( $replace_tag, "%category%" ) !== false ) {
$categories = get_the_category( $post_id );
global $wpdb;
$query = "SELECT * FROM <code>".$wpdb->prefix."postmeta</code> WHERE <code>post_id</code> = ".$post_id." AND <code>meta_key</code> = '_yoast_wpseo_primary_category'";
$res = $wpdb->get_results($query);
$tid = $res[0]->meta_value;
$term_category = get_term( $tid );
$category = is_object( $term_category ) ? $term_category->slug : '';
if ( ! empty( $pid ) ) {
$parent_category = get_term( $pid );
$category = is_object( $parent_category ) ? $parent_category->slug . '/' . $category : '';
$replace_tag = str_replace( '%category%', $category, $replace_tag );
And it works, I need to know how to regenerate the url to posts created before install this plugin… “Convert Custom Permalink” isn’t working for me.