One other way to do that without modifying plugin files would be to add the code below in your them functions.php (or by creating a new plugin and pasting the code there)
add_action( "init", "my_init", 100 );
function my_init() {
remove_filter("adverts_form_load", "adext_payments_form_load");
add_filter("adverts_form_load", "my_adext_payments_form_load");
function my_adext_payments_form_load( $form ) {
if($form["name"] != 'advert' || is_admin() || adverts_request( "advert_id" ) ) {
return $form;
// do not show payment options when editing Ad.
$id = adverts_request( "advert_id" );
$ad = get_post( $id );
if( intval($id) && $ad && in_array($ad->post_status, array("publish", "expired", "pending" ) ) ) {
return $form;
$form["field"][] = array(
"name" => "_listing_information",
"type" => "adverts_field_header",
"order" => 1000,
"label" => __( 'Listing Information', 'adverts' )
$opts = array();
$pricings = new WP_Query( array(
'post_type' => 'adverts-pricing',
'post_status' => 'draft',
'orderby' => 'ID',
'order' => 'ASC',
) );
adverts_form_add_field("adverts_payments_field_payment", array(
"renderer" => "adverts_payments_field_payment",
"callback_save" => "adverts_save_single",
"callback_bind" => "adverts_bind_single",
) );
foreach($pricings->posts as $data) {
if( get_post_meta( $data->ID, 'adverts_price', true ) ) {
$adverts_price = adverts_price( get_post_meta( $data->ID, 'adverts_price', true ) );
} else {
$adverts_price = __("Free", "adverts");
$opts[] = array( "value"=>$data->ID, "text"=> $data->post_content );
wp_enqueue_style( 'adverts-payments-frontend' );
$form["field"][] = array(
"name" => "payments_listing_type",
"type" => "adverts_payments_field_payment",
"label" => __("Listing", "adverts"),
"order" => 1001,
"empty_option" => true,
"options" => $opts,
"value" => "",
"validator" => array(
array( "name" => "is_required" )
add_filter("adverts_form_bind", "adext_payments_form_bind");
return $form;